Monday, November 17, 2014

Bump Day ~ 37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks!  Baby is the size of a winter melon.  Not to be confused with a watermelon, because that's how I read it at first.

Weight gain/loss:  Whatever.  I keep telling myself that I still weigh less now then I did when I started my pregnancy with Jamie and am no where near what I weighed when I delivered him.  So there's that.

Maternity Clothes? Yes.  Our sudden cold snap is proving to be interesting in the coat dept.  I refuse to buy anything at this point though so I'm making do.  I did treat myself to some new {non maternity} PJ's to wear in the hospital in a vein attempt to feel pretty and  I picked up two {non maternity} tops that will work now, but will be good to have post baby.

Sleep: I don't want to jinx it, but sleep is good.  I think I'm just so exhausted by the time my head hits the pillow my body just gives in to sweet, sweet uninterrupted slumber.

Stretch marks:  Still nothing new, dare a say I may make it out of this without any new stripes.

Best moment this week: We have an official end date in sight!!  Unfortunately it comes at the price of two weeks in a row with borderline high blood pressure.  My OB said I'm still in the "grey" area and haven't officially crossed the threshold to being labeled with pregnancy induced hypertension, but I'm close enough she doesn't want me going past my due date.  So as long as my BP doesn't get any worse and baby girl doesn't make any surprise appearances on her own, we are set for a Dec 3rd induction, just a few days shy of my Dec 7 due date.  It's weird, I've only lost 4 days, but all of a sudden it seems so much closer!  I think because it's a guarantee where as before I had pretty much come to terms I was going to be late again.  Only 16 days to go!!

Movement: Definitely slowing down as she runs out of room, but she still manages to get plenty of good dance moves in there,

Food cravings: Nothing in particular, I've been digging the clementines though, which is a nice change of pace from the usual sugar high.

Gender: Sugar and spice!

Labor Signs: I've had a few braxton hicks contractions and she's definitely sitting low these days based on the way I waddle.

What I Miss: Being able to sit on the floor and play with Jamie.  Or heck, just sit on the floor period.

What I'm looking forward to:  Getting through this week, my last FULL work week!!  Next week is short because of Thanksgiving and the following week is short because it's baby time!!

Weekly Wisdom: When your doctor tells you not to worry, don't start googling or you will convince yourself you are dying.

Milestones: We are officially considered {early} full term!  We also finished washing and setting up all the baby stuff.  It's weird having a swing in the house again.  We bought the last few things we needed and the nursery is pretty much done.  If she showed up today we'd be ready!  Oh!  And her Christmas stocking is on the way!

Big Brother:  He seriously may be more excited for his sister to arrive than anyone else.  He talks about her all the time and wants to be a part of everything we've been doing to get ready.  I can't wait to watch him become a big brother, it gets me all pregnancy sappy just thinking about it.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Bump Day ~ 36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks!  Baby is the size of a honeydew melon.

Weight gain/loss: Up.  Again.  I've reached the point where it is what it is and as long as I'm not treating everyday like an all you can eat buffet, I've come to terms with it.

Maternity Clothes? With Jamie I remember being so over maternity clothes by this poing and counting down until I could wear "real" pants again.  This time?  Elastic pants for life!

Sleep: I can still sometimes go all night without a bathroom break.  I'm not sure if I should be grateful for this or be concerned I'm not drinking enough water.  Either way sleep is good.  No real complaints here!

Stretch marks:  Nothing new.

Best moment this week: I woke up on Monday and felt human again.  The stomach bug is officially gone and the exhaustion went with it!  Praise the lord!!

Movement: Yes, and sometimes, not gonna lie, it's kind of uncomfortable, baby girl is definitely running out of room in there!

Food cravings: Appetite returned in full force this week!  As did the sweet tooth.

Gender: Sweet baby girl!

Labor Signs: Nope.  Had an internal exam at my OB appt Friday, not surprisingly I was not dilated but we did confirm baby is head down!  I also suspect she dropped some this week because my symptoms have flip flopped, more hip/lower back pain but I feel like I can breath better and I'm having less heartburn.  So let's hope all these things are a sign she's starting to get ready for her BIG debut!

What I Miss: Being able to get out of bed or off the couch without giving myself a pep talk first.

What I'm looking forward to:  The holiday season!  Usually I'm all "Respect the Turkey!" and while I'm not putting up the tree just yet, I'm starting to get the itch for all things Christmas.  This year is going to be extra magical and I'm anxious to get it started!

Weekly Wisdom: Washing a dark pink onesie with the rest of the baby laundry will in fact turn everything a nice shade of pale pink.  Sigh.

Milestones: Had my pre-admissions meeting at the hospital this week!  Also washed all the nursery linens and put the crib in order.  Hung the monogram.  Washed all the newborn clothes.  Installed the infant seat bases in the cars and washed the seat cover.  Nesting and baby prep is in full force!!

Big Brother:  Poor buddy has been battling a cold all week.  I guess better now than later when we have to worry about preschool germs and a newborn!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Bump Day ~ 35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks! Baby is the size of a coconut.

Weight gain/loss: Well according to my scale, thanks to the stomach virus of 2014, I lost 3 pounds, according to my Dr's scale I gained almost 4.  I'm sorry but I call BS on that.  All I did for 5 days was go to the bathroom and eat applesauce.  It will be interesting to see what their stupid scale tells me this week.

Maternity Clothes? Yes.  I don't see this changing anytime soon. Though I still get by with a handful of non maternity tops that I saved from my fat girl days.

Sleep: After this week, if I could sleep 22 hours of the day I would.  Unfortunately work got in the way, but you can bet as soon as I stumbled in the door I hit the bed and didn't leave until my alarm went off.  I am hoping I get a little energy back, I can't handle 5 more weeks of this exhaustion.

Stretch marks:  Nothing new.

Best moment this week: I'm not going to sugar coat it, there was nothing great about this week.  I'm just glad I survived.  A stomach virus is never fun, but being 8 month pregnant AND having a stomach bug?  Downright torture.

Movement: This poor kid gets hiccups all.the.time.  At least twice a day, sometimes more.  She also likes to play punch the bladder, fun times.

Food cravings: Nothing.  I have had zero interest in food and zero appetite.  Even now that the stomach bug has moved on through, most food just sounds unappetizing.  Or it gives me heartburn so I don't want to eat it anyway.

Gender: Team pink!

Labor Signs: Nope.  Not a one.

What I Miss: Feeling like a normal human being.

What I'm looking forward to:  Getting my appetite back, we have "Fakesgiving" this weekend and I want to enjoy my turkey dinner and pie!

Weekly Wisdom: When your husband claims he feels worse than you, resist the urge to punch him in the face, you might need him later to make a late night CVS run.

Milestones: 35/35!  35 weeks down, 35 days to go!

Big Brother:  Is starting to get impatient on when exactly this baby is actually going to be here.  Me too buddy, me too.
