How far along? 36 weeks! Baby is the size of a honeydew melon.
Weight gain/loss: Up. Again. I've reached the point where it is what it is and as long as I'm not treating everyday like an all you can eat buffet, I've come to terms with it.
Maternity Clothes? With Jamie I remember being so over maternity clothes by this poing and counting down until I could wear "real" pants again. This time? Elastic pants for life!
Sleep: I can still sometimes go all night without a bathroom break. I'm not sure if I should be grateful for this or be concerned I'm not drinking enough water. Either way sleep is good. No real complaints here!
Stretch marks: Nothing new.
Best moment this week: I woke up on Monday and felt human again. The stomach bug is officially gone and the exhaustion went with it! Praise the lord!!
Best moment this week: I woke up on Monday and felt human again. The stomach bug is officially gone and the exhaustion went with it! Praise the lord!!
Movement: Yes, and sometimes, not gonna lie, it's kind of uncomfortable, baby girl is definitely running out of room in there!
Food cravings: Appetite returned in full force this week! As did the sweet tooth.
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor Signs: Nope. Had an internal exam at my OB appt Friday, not surprisingly I was not dilated but we did confirm baby is head down! I also suspect she dropped some this week because my symptoms have flip flopped, more hip/lower back pain but I feel like I can breath better and I'm having less heartburn. So let's hope all these things are a sign she's starting to get ready for her BIG debut!
What I Miss: Being able to get out of bed or off the couch without giving myself a pep talk first.
Food cravings: Appetite returned in full force this week! As did the sweet tooth.
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Labor Signs: Nope. Had an internal exam at my OB appt Friday, not surprisingly I was not dilated but we did confirm baby is head down! I also suspect she dropped some this week because my symptoms have flip flopped, more hip/lower back pain but I feel like I can breath better and I'm having less heartburn. So let's hope all these things are a sign she's starting to get ready for her BIG debut!
What I Miss: Being able to get out of bed or off the couch without giving myself a pep talk first.
What I'm looking forward to: The holiday season! Usually I'm all "Respect the Turkey!" and while I'm not putting up the tree just yet, I'm starting to get the itch for all things Christmas. This year is going to be extra magical and I'm anxious to get it started!
Weekly Wisdom: Washing a dark pink onesie with the rest of the baby laundry will in fact turn everything a nice shade of pale pink. Sigh.
Milestones: Had my pre-admissions meeting at the hospital this week! Also washed all the nursery linens and put the crib in order. Hung the monogram. Washed all the newborn clothes. Installed the infant seat bases in the cars and washed the seat cover. Nesting and baby prep is in full force!!
Big Brother: Poor buddy has been battling a cold all week. I guess better now than later when we have to worry about preschool germs and a newborn!
Milestones: Had my pre-admissions meeting at the hospital this week! Also washed all the nursery linens and put the crib in order. Hung the monogram. Washed all the newborn clothes. Installed the infant seat bases in the cars and washed the seat cover. Nesting and baby prep is in full force!!
Big Brother: Poor buddy has been battling a cold all week. I guess better now than later when we have to worry about preschool germs and a newborn!

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