Saturday marked exactly 3 months since I joined Weight Watchers.
3 months since I decided to make a change.
In these first 90 days I've earned countless 5 pound stars, 5% lost, 10% lost and hit my first 25 pound milestone. My grand total as of Saturday was 34.2 pounds lost.
Can I get a hell yeah?!
Here's a little comparison for you. Picture 1 is after my first week with 6.6 pounds lost. Picture 2 is at 20 pounds and the most recent at almost 35 pounds.
I'm wearing clothes that haven't seen the light of day in years and just last week I started wearing my pre-pregnancy bras! Alleluia! It's nice to see normal letters of the alphabet in my bra size again! I'd also like to point out my bust actually sticks out now more than my stomach. It's like I got boobs again!
The most exciting was buying a dress for an upcoming wedding in size Large.
Yeah I know what you're thinking, most women would throw themselves off a bridge if they had to buy a large, but when just a few months ago you were an XL...sometimes even an XXL...a L is enough to get a happy dance right inside the dressing room!
I've obviously got this eating right thing down.
The working out part...not so much.
Actually not at all.
I hate working out. Hate.
I can diet and limit my foods until the cows come home, but ask me to step on a treadmill?? No way.
I'd rather die.
The worst part is when I'm continuing to lose weight at such a steady pace without out it, there's not much motivation for me to start. But I know I have to.
I wanted to make a change for the better, not just eating healthier, but being more active.
So that's my goal for the next 3 months.
Keep up with the good eating....add in some moving.
I bought new batteries for the Wii Fit and I got two new workout DVDs so I have no excuses.
Plus it's staying light out longer and I still want to try the couch to 5K program.
I dropped the ball on running the
Color Run here in KC and now it's sold out, but I just saw they added Columbus as a new city in July. It's tempting. A trip to my old hometown AND motivation to run a 5K? Sounds like a win win!
I'm also hoping it will help prevent any dreaded plateaus and help me make my next goal: wedding weight by Jamie's 2nd Birthday.
This means I have about 35 more pounds to lose by August 9.
I'm pretty confident I can do it! And when I do, maybe I'll bust my dress out of the box for old times sake!