Make that a week late.
Cause who doesn't love a good holiday recap post.
Especially one that's late to the party.
Oops. My bad.
I'll make it short and sweet!
We colored eggs!
Thankfully only 8. Because they're all still sitting in my fridge.
What can I say, we aren't big egg eaters around here.
They sure did look good though!
The bunny brought more swag than Santa.
This was just the basket from mom and dad.
There were THREE others between all the grandparents.
Can you say spoiled?!
The theme of the year was definitely CARS!
If it had Mater or Lightening McQueen on it, he got it.
Oh. And fruit snacks in his eggs.
HUGE hit!
My dad baked the cutest Easter egg nest cupcakes.
From scratch.
Just call him Betty Crocker!
We may or may not have put the leftover buttercream frosting on our waffles for breakfast.
Let's just say I didn't count points that day!
We headed over to the Country Club where Uncle Matt works to meet the Bunny.
Compared to last year where Jamie wouldn't come within 5 miles of him, I'd say it was a huge improvement!
While we waited for the big hunt to start, I managed to get our annual family picture!
Not our best, but believe me, compared to Easter's past.....definitely not our worst!
Jamie hunted eggs like a pro. Seriously. I had to do a double take as I watched him skip through the grass collecting his eggs. Like he's been doing it for years. Who is this big kid?!
We ended the day eating lunch with some family friends.....eating more candy.....hunting more eggs....and running around pantless, cause when you're 2 1/2, apparently anything goes!
Happy {ridiculously belated} Easter!

Looks like a fun Easter!
Love his tie!!!
oh my gosh he is too cute! and getting so big... I can't even imagine Logan running around like that. crazy!
Great recap. Jamie looks so grown up and handsome in his tie! And you are looking fabulous!
What a cute little tie! Glad you guys had a great Easter!
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