Wake up. Look out the window. Blizzard. Awesome.
Check airport. Things are all still on time? Seriously? All righty...off we go
Open the garage door, see 2 ft snow drift....thank goodness for 4 wheel drive
Open the garage door, see 2 ft snow drift....thank goodness for 4 wheel drive
Finally arrive at the airport, it only took twice as long and we had a 3 plow escort practically the entire way
Plane should be leaving. Announcement made that the plane is ready to go, but the pilot is still trying to get here. Seriously...he was staying at an airport hotel. Did he not think to leave a few minutes earlier? We all made it on time. Jack ass.
All passengers going to Columbus, meaning the two of us, you will be missing your connecting flight, please go to the desk to be re-routed. F*ck.
Finally get through the massive line. We are now on a 12:00PM flight to Milwaukee connecting to Columbus for an arrival time of 6:20PM. F*ck.
Christmas morning breakfast at the airport Cinnabon. I've already been awake 5 hours. Cranky pants are officially on.
Finally get on a plane. Alleluia!! Sit on plane for 1 hour while we get de-iced and the baggage truck gets stuck in the snow.
Take off!
I've been awake for 12 hours. Sigh.
3:00 PM
Land in Milwaukee. Eat best airport sandwhich ever. Though at that point we were so hungry dirt would have tasted good.
Board commuter jet to Columbus. No jet-way. Walk outside...in the rain...up the ramp. Get settled. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears we've all boarded the wrong plane and need to be in the one directly to our left" F*ck.
Back out into the rain. Board correct plane. Take off.
Arrive in Columbus, exactly 9 hours late.
It may not have been the Merriest of Christmases, but it certainly was a memorable one!! Hope you all had a slightly smoother holiday then us!
At least you made it there!!!!!! Hope you were able to enjoy the rest of Christmas!
They boarded all of you on the wrong plane? Come on, that is really, really funny.
I'm glad you got there!
Excellent documentation of a nightmare situation! At least you made it safely!
Wooowowowow. What a nightmare!!! Glad you guys got there and are safe!
I would have cried! I hope you guy got to enjoy Christmas in spite of the travel!
Can you sue that pilot for not making it on time. What a loser!
Whoa...that is insane. Brightside=Cinnabon is good. :)
Awh that was just awful for you guys! At least it will be one you will look back on and laugh at one day...maybe!
Eeek! i'm just glad your safe. You all boarded the wrong plane? Seriously? lol That is one for the books! Happy Holidays my friend:)
ahhh, what a nightmare... BUT just think of all the wonderful memories and a great story you now have to tell.
i'm new to your blog and i just love it - now i'm your newest follower!! :)
OMG! What a nightmare! You are a better woman than me! I'd have jumped out of one of those planes!
EEEEK! That's awful! At least you made it through!
Wow, that's beyond crazy! I feel like every time I fly I have a hard time haha...btw, you were in my neck of the woods! Except I wasn't here. LOL!
what a nightmare!!! so glad you are home and safe and all is good!!
hope you had a great christmas hun!!
Despite the "cranky pants" it seems from your blog, you retained some sense of humor :>) Wouldn't want you to relive it, but it sure will be a memorable first Mr/Mrs Christmas, that's for sure!
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