Winter finally decided to show up this week and I'd be lying if I wasn't giddy as a school girl to wake up to a fresh blanket of snow. Now that it's happened once however? It's out of my system and I'm officially ready for spring! Too bad it's still weeks {and weeks} away!
My current obsession? Hunter boots with welly socks. I want a pair so bad I can taste it. But the price tag? No thanks. Plus I don't know I could pick a color, so many to choose!
Speaking of bath stuff. Did you know Suave has a Professional line? I'm kind of a self-proclaimed shampoo snob, but when I saw I could get their "Aveda" shampoo AND conditioner in GIANT pump bottles for FIVE dollars at Tar-Jay I thought what the heck. If it totally sucks I'm only out 5 bucks. Ummm, it's fabulous. My hair is so soft and the frizzies have even calmed down. Sold.
Ever since my friend Jess posted about the Color Run in Kansas City, I've been itching to sign up. Me. I hate running. But it looks so fun I think I may just do it. It's not until mid June. Surely I can train for a 5K by then.
Speaking of Pinterest. Have you noticed since it came around every woman thinks they're the next Martha Stewart? Shit I tried one wreath and gave up half way through. I hate crafting. That's what Etsy is for. You make it, I'll buy it. As for Pinterest, I'll stick to the recipe boards.
Jamie has a cold. Now my throat is feeling scratchy. Yay.
That's all I got for this cold, rainy Wednesday.
Happy Hump Day Friends!

I was excited to see the snow too :) Love those boots! I am going to have to look into this tarjay aveda shampoo you speak of... and yes. you must. do the color run! :) :) :) happy hump day!
Long time reader here but I don't believe I have ever commented. I enjoy your honest way of writing and today I really related with your comment re:Pinterest! I feel the same way - I am NOT crafty but my "Recipe Book" board is getting filled up rather quickly :) Thanks for writing and keeping it real!
OK - I'm a total shampoo snob too...I must try Suave then (I can't beleive those words are coming out of my mouth).
Also, what is this Color Run you speak of? I have a goal of 4 5Ks (at least 5K anyway) this year.
I'm in St. Louis and one of my very best friends lives in KC. May have to work this in for a road trip!!!
I wanna do the color run, too!! I saw Jess's blog about it and meant to say something to her--wanna all sign up and do it together?!?!? I'm sure we can convince Jordan and maybe Gwen into doing it!
I'm with you on the crafting... who the hell has time??? I'd much rather buy it on Etsy!
I have both Suave Professionals and Aveda. The Suave works much better. I love it!
I've been dying for some Hunter boots as well! Totally agree with you though on the price thing...ouch.
Oh I love the Hunter boots too but I can't pull the trigger and buy them. They are just SO expensive!
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