How far along? 20 weeks! Baby is the size of banana and weighed about 12 ounces at our ultrasound. Almost a pound!
Weight gain/loss: So I cut out the misc snacking and crap eating and lost 2 lbs this week. Funny how that works.
Maternity Clothes? I'm hoping summer stuff starts going on clearance, wouldn't mind picking up a pair of shorts, especially considering shorts season around here can often go into October. Love those indian summers!
Sleep: No complaints here.
Stretch marks: Same ole, same ole.
Best moment this week: Seeing our perfect, beautiful, healthy baby! Seriously nothing can top that.
Best moment this week: Seeing our perfect, beautiful, healthy baby! Seriously nothing can top that.
Movement: Baby has been more and more active in there! Still no outside movement, but I found out I have an anterior placenta so it may be a bit longer this time around.
Food cravings: Not much this week, or at least not much I indulged in. Trying to remember pregnancy is not a free pass!
Gender: Don't mess with mama's intuition! We're having a GIRL!
Labor Signs: No thanks, not for about 19 more weeks please.
What I Miss: Just enjoying this part of pregnancy!
Food cravings: Not much this week, or at least not much I indulged in. Trying to remember pregnancy is not a free pass!
Gender: Don't mess with mama's intuition! We're having a GIRL!
Labor Signs: No thanks, not for about 19 more weeks please.
What I Miss: Just enjoying this part of pregnancy!
What I'm looking forward to: At the moment I'm still living on the high from our big news this week!
Weekly Wisdom: Start the name game as soon as possible. It may take 20 more weeks to convince your husband your name of choice is the only obvious choice.
Milestones: Half Baked! Officially have more behind me than ahead of me, though December still seems ridiculously far away!
Big Brother: So I told him we were having a girl and his first reaction was to cry and pout because he wanted a brother. You know. The same kid who's been telling me for weeks we're having a girl and that all he wants is a sister. Kids are weird. Luckily he recovered quickly and now he's pretty excited!
Milestones: Half Baked! Officially have more behind me than ahead of me, though December still seems ridiculously far away!
Big Brother: So I told him we were having a girl and his first reaction was to cry and pout because he wanted a brother. You know. The same kid who's been telling me for weeks we're having a girl and that all he wants is a sister. Kids are weird. Luckily he recovered quickly and now he's pretty excited!

I missed the gender announcement last week! So excited for you!!
I am super excited for you! Always surreal to hit the halfway point and know more of who is in there :)
Congrats on baby girl!
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