How far along? 29 weeks, baby is the size of an acorn squash.
Weight gain/loss: I really tried to reign in the crap food eating this week and actually lost a few pounds. I'm really trying not to let it get out of hand in the last 10 weeks like I did with Jamie.
Maternity Clothes? It's been hot again. So the shorts have been back out. I told Adam I may just live in maternity shorts forever.
Sleep: No complaints. I'm enjoying the minimal overnight potty breaks while they last, most nights I don't even get up once!
Stretch marks: I tried to dig out my old Palmer's spray oil and couldn't find it. Need to get something soon though, the itchy bump is getting crazy.
Best moment this week: Passed my glucose test! Guess I don't have to quit the sugar!
Best moment this week: Passed my glucose test! Guess I don't have to quit the sugar!
Movement: Still lots during the day! I'm trying to decided how she's laying in there, but can't quite tell by the kicks.
Food cravings: Still sweets. All the sweets. All the time. I'm trying to find a slightly healthier alternative to curb the craving, coming up empty handed.
Gender: Team pink!
Labor Signs: Nada. Kind of thought I'd have felt a Braxton Hicks contraction or two by now, but nope, not a thing. She's cozy in there!
What I Miss: Being able to squeeze through tight spaces without taking out half the room or unintentionally molesting people with my bump.
Food cravings: Still sweets. All the sweets. All the time. I'm trying to find a slightly healthier alternative to curb the craving, coming up empty handed.
Gender: Team pink!
Labor Signs: Nada. Kind of thought I'd have felt a Braxton Hicks contraction or two by now, but nope, not a thing. She's cozy in there!
What I Miss: Being able to squeeze through tight spaces without taking out half the room or unintentionally molesting people with my bump.
What I'm looking forward to: Sprucing up the nursery a bit. Or at the very least taking all the miscellaneous crap out so she has somewhere to sleep.
Weekly Wisdom: If you want to guarantee a buffet of brownies and cookies at your tailgate, invite the pregnant girl.
Milestones: First unofficial home football game with baby girl!
Big Brother: He asks all the time when his baby sister is coming, I think he's getting tired of waiting. Or wondering if we've made this whole baby thing up.
Milestones: First unofficial home football game with baby girl!
Big Brother: He asks all the time when his baby sister is coming, I think he's getting tired of waiting. Or wondering if we've made this whole baby thing up.

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