How far along? 35 weeks! Baby is the size of a coconut.
Weight gain/loss: Well according to my scale, thanks to the stomach virus of 2014, I lost 3 pounds, according to my Dr's scale I gained almost 4. I'm sorry but I call BS on that. All I did for 5 days was go to the bathroom and eat applesauce. It will be interesting to see what their stupid scale tells me this week.
Maternity Clothes? Yes. I don't see this changing anytime soon. Though I still get by with a handful of non maternity tops that I saved from my fat girl days.
Sleep: After this week, if I could sleep 22 hours of the day I would. Unfortunately work got in the way, but you can bet as soon as I stumbled in the door I hit the bed and didn't leave until my alarm went off. I am hoping I get a little energy back, I can't handle 5 more weeks of this exhaustion.
Stretch marks: Nothing new.
Best moment this week: I'm not going to sugar coat it, there was nothing great about this week. I'm just glad I survived. A stomach virus is never fun, but being 8 month pregnant AND having a stomach bug? Downright torture.
Best moment this week: I'm not going to sugar coat it, there was nothing great about this week. I'm just glad I survived. A stomach virus is never fun, but being 8 month pregnant AND having a stomach bug? Downright torture.
Movement: This poor kid gets hiccups all.the.time. At least twice a day, sometimes more. She also likes to play punch the bladder, fun times.
Food cravings: Nothing. I have had zero interest in food and zero appetite. Even now that the stomach bug has moved on through, most food just sounds unappetizing. Or it gives me heartburn so I don't want to eat it anyway.
Gender: Team pink!
Labor Signs: Nope. Not a one.
What I Miss: Feeling like a normal human being.
Food cravings: Nothing. I have had zero interest in food and zero appetite. Even now that the stomach bug has moved on through, most food just sounds unappetizing. Or it gives me heartburn so I don't want to eat it anyway.
Gender: Team pink!
Labor Signs: Nope. Not a one.
What I Miss: Feeling like a normal human being.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting my appetite back, we have "Fakesgiving" this weekend and I want to enjoy my turkey dinner and pie!
Weekly Wisdom: When your husband claims he feels worse than you, resist the urge to punch him in the face, you might need him later to make a late night CVS run.
Milestones: 35/35! 35 weeks down, 35 days to go!
Big Brother: Is starting to get impatient on when exactly this baby is actually going to be here. Me too buddy, me too.
Milestones: 35/35! 35 weeks down, 35 days to go!
Big Brother: Is starting to get impatient on when exactly this baby is actually going to be here. Me too buddy, me too.

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