Well after another totally uneventful doctor's appt where I've made absolutely ZERO progress we decided to set an induction date....
I'm still hoping and wishing he comes on his own and my body decides to get it's act together and go into labor naturally...but just in case eviction papers have been served for Monday, August 9th.
I guess if I have to suffer for 2 more weeks....at least it's a cool birthday!

Yay!! So exciting to know that you will have your little man one way or another by then! And no one will be able to forget his birthday!
My friend had to be induce and had her baby the nEXT day on 02/04/06!
That would be a VERY cool birthday!
I told Kristian we should try to have a baby next year on 11/11/11 :)
8/9 is an AWESOME birthday! summer baby yea!!! good luck hun.
Yay! Very cool birthday!
Great Date!!! I can see the sign now! Hang in there girl...at least some kind of countdown has been set! It was so great seeing you on Saturday..can't wait to hold your little man!!
Very cool due date!!
8/9/10 would be quite the lucky day! For everyone! I know you are getting excited!
8-9-10 would be a fun birthday. No matter what, he could always tell people he was born on 8-9-10...you know if there was a lull in a conversation or something...
Hang in there!
That's exciting! 8/9/10 would be a great birthday (although I'm sure you'd like him to make his appearance sooner)! It was great to meet you on Saturday!
Girl, I know you are ready!! I am too!! It is time for these sweet little beans to make their debut!!!
And that is a super cool birthday!! :)
EEEK! In less two weeks or less you will have a little baby...I'm so excited. I can't wait to meet the little eyecansee.
Hope he comes sooner for you. 8-9-10 is a cool date though and it's my due date =)
For your sake hope he comes early but for him that is a totally sweet birthday! And it'll be here before you know it :-D
How exciting! That will be a very cool birthday!
Hell yeah! Very cool birthday. SO excited for you!
Another 8/9/10 baby! That's awesome! We have been begging for that date for our c-section from the very beginning and they just confirmed us last week. Our babies are going to have the COOLEST birthdays ever!
C'mon Jamie!!!! I hope he is here soon!!
very exciting! What hospital will you be having him at? Overland Park Regional is fantastic! Good luck to you!
A plan! You have a plan! Thats FABULOUS news!! And Jamie, darling, just because there's a plan, doesn't mean you can't decide to vacate the premises sooner.. although I must say, my mom's birthday is 8/9 and she was hoping Baby Boy would stay put until then... Plus, how freakin' cool is it to have a birthday of 8/9/10?
Very exciting, I can't believe it's already time!
I can't wait to meet Jamie!!! I just realized that his birthday could be 8-9-10. So fun!!! So great seeing you on Saturday and so looking forward to next time. :) XOXO
It's nice to have an end date at least. You know he'll be born by then!
Hey, that IS a cool birthday!
Hope he does come on his own...but 8/9/10 would be a cool date! Aunt Sue would be so thrilled to share her bday with her first great nephew :>) xoxox mom
His b-day would be just as cool as my daughter's 09/09/09 birthday :o) Good luck!!
Eviction papers...bwahaha! You never cease to make me giggle.
Here is to hoping little Jamie comes on his own before then!
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