Every morning my husband manages to drain the entire hot water tank leaving me with a cold shower. How is this even possible?!? It's a HUGE tank. He claims he's only been in there 10 minutes, yeah, try 30. And thanks for the ice bath.

Come tax season...what's with all the dancing Uncle Sam's and Lady Liberty's? They don't make me want to file my taxes with you, they just make me feel sorry for the poor shmuck you made dress up in that stupid costume and risk their life by standing in the street during rush hour traffic. Find a new marketing ploy. Perhaps you can borrow the gecko?

All the people who thought the movie Valentine's Day sucked because it had sooo many actors in it and you only saw them on screen for a short time. Really people? Did you not see the previews? They made it pretty clear how the movie was going to go, not like they hid the HUGE cast list from you. If that's the reason you didn't like it, it's your own damn fault, pay better attention next time.

Heidi Klum's new maternity line. What pregnant woman in her right mind would wear a unitard with hooker heels? Oh yeah...a super model with a perfect bod.

The Bachelor. I just don't think I could fall madly in love with a guy I know is making out with every other girl and feeding her the same bullshit lines. Are women really that desperate?

Vera Bradley bags. Enough said.

How every week the days drag by....but the weekends are gone in a flash. So not fair. I think I have a case of the Tuesdays...

Those dancing Lady Liberties irk me too. And they cannot be helping businesses. They just can't.
Are you noticing more VB bags here in town? I am...I wonder if it's because Spring is getting closer. LOL!!!
The Bachelor is like road kill. You know it's going to be gross and bad, but you still have to look. hahaha
And Heidi Klum is out of her mind!! I want to see a pie chart as to who would purchase this. No one.
I love VB bags! I have seen the liberty people once and thought those people are bat shit crazy to stand out in the freezing cold dressed like that, but hey we all gotta earn a buck.
This post cracked me up!
Maybe, MAYBE if my body was amazing like Heidi's I would wear that... to sleep in.. No, probably not even then, lol.
I would kick your hubs out of that shower girl and start taking YOURS first - See how he likes that! ;)
oh hun...i can TOTALLY hear the annoyance in your voice over these...
and i have to agree with that unitard!! what the heck?? seriously i hope that is just something to go under a dress or worn with a skirt and cardi...cause otherwise eww...
I love VB bags! And the Bachelor, I can't help it-it's a train wreck!
I also have a case of the Tuesdays...blah!
I'm so over Jake the Bachelor. LOVE VB bags!
vera bradley is a must for any southern girl;) i just do not get the bachelor it is so ridiculous.
While I am not a Vera fan at all, I LOVED the movie Valentine's Day!!
I am ashamed to admit I am addicted to The Bachelor, though it is serious reality trash, but you just can't stop looking anyway! Honestly, hubs DRAINS the tank... needs to either shorten the time or lower the temp. No one needs to go thru 50 gals of HOT water...pull the pregnant card and see if that helps.
I'm with you on the VB bags...just don't get them, although I know it is a "Southern" girl thing. They remind me of the wild colors and prints from the hippie era...also not a fan of :>) xoxox mom
i'm not a fan of VB bags, they are not big in MN at all...i don't even know if i've ever seen one. ha!
i don't get her maternity line or the tax advertising costumes either! ;)
i hope you are having a good afternoon hun!
I'm one of those people that saw valentine's day, except i knew it was going to blow. I just didn't realize how badly it would blow.
hope the day improves!!
Vera Bradley is hideous and I would rather have my taxes prepared by someone in a suit instead of someone dancing in a Statue of Liberty costume.
Good points all around!
I went into Valentine's Day just not knowing what it was going to be like. I thought "Why no
I just literally laughed out loud when I saw that unitard! How horrible! I love how they even accessorized it up with the necklaces. Maybe it would be a good reminder of how the baby is going to feel in all those onesies??? haha!
I too am guilty of using the whole hot water tank. Good think Joe prefers cooler showers.
There's an award for you on my blog.
I agree with you about the Bachelor. I just can't watch that trash. It's just not believable!
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You’re so funny and there is nothing worse than no hot water, especially in the winter. I always feel sorry for anyone promoting anything dressed up on the side of the road. I see them get honked at and heckled to no end.
I’ve heard so many bad things about Valentine’s Day. I’m quite sure I’ll wait until it comes out on video. I think they crammed too many a-listers into it.
I’m hooked on The Bachelor, but completely agree. He sounds like a broken record when he talks to each woman. Imagine if you’re the one he picked and then you had to see all of the fantasy suite dates. Gross.
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