Yeah. Well....not anymore
Pregnancy brain has kicked in BIG time! Half the time I swear I'd leave my own head at home if it weren't attached!! Take yesterday for example..I went to CVS for 2 things..TWO! You think I managed to leave with both items? Nope.
I blame it on the Easter Candy. I got distracted by the pretty colors and the beautiful array of chocolaty goodness. So I forgot the face wash....at least I have the family sized bag of Cadbury Eggs to get me through the day week.
And now today I sit here at work and realize...I didn't put on any deodorant this morning.
Haha you crack me up! And now I want Easter candy, lol!
hehehehehehe. awesome!
Hilarious. Mmm Easter Candy! Like the new background!!
Easter candy sounds yummy. I have forgotten deoderant before but didn't have pregnacy as an excuse!
I am horrible with grocery lists. I pretty much have the entire Constitution memorized but give me a grocery list and I will forget it a milisecond later. Post-its are my friend;)
I'll admit...I laughed at the no deodorant. I've done that before and I'm not pregnant. It wasn't pretty, that's for sure!
Heck, I forgot to put on deodorant before my own wedding!!! We had to make a trip to Walmart. LOL!
Hate to break it to ya, but your brain will NEVER work the same again. After pregnancy brain comes mama brain and I think mama brain is infinitely worse. I feel so flustered sometimes! But the difference is I never had a blackberry for a brain.
I've heard so many baby brain stories and they all make me giggle. At least you got some tasty chocolate. Easter candy is my favorite!
Hahaha, what a funny little cartoon!!
I love me some Mini Eggs.
Mmm, easter candy. I hear you on that.
its totally a real thing! I am getting it too!!!
Oh man, I remember the first and last time I forgot deodorant: 7th grade. Man, I blushed in the middle of class when I realized I'd forgot!
I feel that age has made me have what you refer to as "pregnancy brain." I try to remember, but sometimes I'm just so lost... and pretty things can distract me too!
It doesn't come back.
It does lesson a bit but my son is 8 months old and I still have to double check that I'm leaving the house with pants on.
I love new followers! I'm following you too now :)
Oh girl, I can't go down the easter candy isle. I know it'll be too tempting!
Wait until after the baby comes! EEEEK! I swear I had preggo brain for 6 mos. post baby. Totes worth it though!
hahaha, That is too funny. I worry about myself when it comes to me (one day) being pregnant. I can't remember anything as it is not, I hope to just function then.
LOVE the comic!!
haha! That is so funny! The Easter candy definitely would have distracted me too! I am addicted to Starburst Jelly Beans!!!
Ah ha, that cartoon is hilarious!! I have bride brain right now!!
I have very similar problems. Never fear. Life is too complicated to keep it all straight. And yeah, Easter candy is such a distraction!
let's hope pregnancy brain doesn't numb your nipples and make you forget your top like the chick in that picture. HA!
it is amazing what pregnancy does to your brain! GOod luck girl!
Give yourself a break. Who wouldn't get distracted by cadbury eggs?? Yum!
Lol, if it helps, I have a deodorant tip on my blog (but, fair warning, it involves a lemon!)
Thanks for the laugh! :)
Catching up on your blog today and chucling at your CVS and no deodo adventures! You are one funny girl!
xoxox mom
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