Yes folks. My husbands dreams have come true.
Today someone actually told him to take a hammer.....and put a hole in our wall.
You see about a week after we moved in we noticed a damp spot in the carpet.
Not good.
Turns out we have a small crack in the foundation which luckily is an easy fix (supposedly) and won't be costing us an arm and a leg (supposedly).
The catch is, the engineer who will patch our crack can't put any holes in our drywall, so my husband happily did it himself.
I quiver in fear.
Hopefully this is the LAST hole ever punched into my walls......
Good luck!!!
I could only imagine the excitment my husband would have if he was able to do something like that ha.
HOPEFULLY it will be an easy fix.
oh goodness!! i hope it is a quick and inexpensive fix! that is not what you need to be dealing with right now....i don't think that's part of nesting ;)
hope all is well pretty momma and i hope you had a great mother's day! :)
DOH! now that's definitely a hole in the wall. good thing it's there on purpose. i would freak out otherwise. lol.
Hope it all gets fixed and taken care of! That's great that it's not going to be too expensive!
Oh I have so been there! I do hope this is the only hole you end up with!!
wow I bet he loved that! That's gotta be a nice stress reliever! lol Hope it turns out to be a cheap fix, sounds stressful!
Good luck! Glad it seems to be a quick fix.
will the guy patch the hole? Cause those are a bit$h to patch. Hope the foundation repair works!
Eek! I hope it's an inexpensive fix friend!
Yikes! Hope it's a quick fix!
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