I see Jamie's underpants!
So several of you asked how cloth diapering is going after seeing my little guys adorable fluffy butt yesterday! Well I have just one word....fantastic!
I have a pretty varied stash since I heard different brands work better for different babies depending on their build. I'm glad I didn't get all of one kind because the ones I thought I'd love the most ended up being my least favorite. Go figure. Jamie is still wearing all of his itty bitty newborn ones, I tried one of his "big boy" diapers on the other day and it was still pretty big. I think we'll have to hit the 10-12 pound mark before we can graduate to those. Here's a rundown on what we've tried so far.
We used disposables in the hospital and off and on that first week until his umbilical cord fell off (not all of the cloth sat low enough not to rub so we had to wait to use some). To say I couldn't stand disposables would be the understatement of the century. One morning we went through 4 outfit changes because of leaks. As much as I like trying on all of Jamie's cute outfits, enough was enough and it's been all cloth all the time ever since. We haven't had a single blowout or poo-splosion and only a few leaks, usually due to user error or WAY too much time between diaper changes. Our son is a super soaker so frequent changes are a must! At least we know his kidney's are in fine working order!
The biggest question I get is how do you wash them? Easy. Every other day I throw the diapers in the washing machine. Do a quick cold wash., one long hot wash with some powdered Tide and oxyclean followed by two rinses. I haven't touched a single poopy diaper other than to take it off and put it in the diaper pail. No toilet dunking or rinsing. Not yet at least. Apparently when they start eating solid foods things get a bit more.....interesting, but we'll worry about that later. Once they're clean I hang them out to dry on my old school clothesline. (My grandma would be proud) The sun works wonders on bleaching out any leftover stains, which honestly are pretty few and far between. I'm gonna be pretty bummed when winter rolls around and I have to use the dryer more. There's nothing cuter than peering out my kitchen window and seeing all those tiny little diapers blowing in the breeze!
(Pictured is a Bum Genius One Size Diaper. Tried it on last night with great success! We've officially moved into our big boy diapers!)
Kissaluvs Size 0 Fitted: Love these! The elastic around the back and legs are bullet proof. Not a leak of any kind with these. Didn't think I'd like the snaps but once you know what "size" he's on it's a no brainer, even at 3 AM. They aren't the most absorbent, especially with my heavy wetter, but combined with a Thirsties Duo Wrap cover it keeps it all in. The hubs doesn't like to mess with the snaps or the cover though, so I'm the one who uses these the most.
Bum Genius Bamboo Fitted (size XS and S): Love these too. Unlike the Kissaluvs they have velcro closure making them more daddy friendly. You still need a cover since they aren't waterproof on their own, but pair it with a Thirsties Wrap and you're good to go. These have been discontinued but you can find them pretty reasonably priced on the used diaper market. My biggest complaint with these, like the Kissaluvs is absorbency. It doesn't take much for him to soak these and though we haven't had leaks, I don't always like how damp his skin feels when I change him so I usually try to rotate with a more stay dry diaper. Overall, even though I've liked them and they work well, I don't think we will use fitteds once we move out of the newborn stage.
Rumparooz Lil Joey: 2 thumbs down on this one. Luckily I only had two. I had high hopes for these, they are an all in one (no cover needed) and looked super absorbent....but every time I tried it he leaked out the legs. I just don't think they were the right shape for his skinny little body and since they were snap closure you couldn't get a customized fit like you could with the velcro.
Happy Heiny Mini Pocket: This one was ok. It is a pocket diaper meaning you have to stuff the liner into the cover. Since they're so small it's hard to get the liner in there...I don't know, maybe I just have giant man hands. Otherwise it was pretty decent, but I only have one and that was enough for me. Not my favorite.
Bum Genius All in One (size XS): These are our favorites. Hands down. It's an all in one so there's no liners to stuff and no covers to use. You just velcro it on and go making it a great diaper for daddy! It's also the trimmest of all the ones we have and even with our little super soaker holds a TON. It's become my go to night time diaper and I'm always amazed in the morning how dry he is and how heavy and full the diaper is! I may even buy a few in the next size up to have as less bulky option under some of his clothes.
So that's our cloth diapering experience in a nutshell. At least 1 month in! I'll post again later once we've moved into the long-term, one size option and let you know my thoughts on those. I already have 3 brands to try out! I'm also on a mission to find a good hybrid system with a disposable insert option for travelling. If you couldn't tell, I've become slightly addicted with all things cloth! Who can blame me though....there's nothing cuter than a colorful, fluffy bum!

You are a better woman than me. I see myself being a lazy disposable diaper mother. If I ever become a mother that is. ;) I'll admit his little tush is cute!
I love these new cloth diapers they came out with! No more diaper pins!
My friend uses Snugglebees, and they seem to work pretty well. You put bamboo cotton liners in the cotton diaper shell... and there's disposable cloth inserts to "pooper scoop" so to speak.
The only problem I notice, and it looks like Jamie might have it too with his adorable diaper bum, is they are HUGE! About twice as big as disposables, so my friend's boy is in pants a size bigger than he would normally wear, and he always looks like he's got back! LOL I guess it's also a little tough when he sleeps on his back at night.
I tried G diapers with my little ones. They have flushable inserts. They worked really well. Admittedly I fell prey to the convenience of disposable diapering. Well done on sticking with cloth!
Not sure if I mentioned this the other day, but I'm using Kawaii diapers. They're supposed to be the same as BumGenious AIOs, but only $6.99 each (brand new!). Try them and let me know what you think :)
You can find them at www.theluvyourbaby.com or on ebay by seller mayflower_garden. On ebay she will start a bid of 12 diapers (with 24 inserts) at $69 with free shipping (thats $5.75 per diaper!). And if you go to her website, you can mix and match the ebay auctions with any of the 6.99 diapers. Just a suggestion :)
So cute! I love the BG AIO's too :)
I (obviously) haven't tried them, but Flips have a disposable option. If you end up trying those, please let me know how you like them. :)
Awesome!! Thanks for the feedback. I just got my kissaluv size 0's in the mail, and I'm excited to try them once the baby gets here!
So happy to hear they are working out! My friend loves these diapers and I plan to use them some day too. I definitely need to save this post!!
Oh you are amazing! Glad these diapers are working out for you:)
I love cloth diapers! I'm so glad they are working and have made it so easy!
That's so great that you're using cloth diapers!! Very green!
Look at those little toes! He's seriously adorable and so long and skinny! So glad that you're loving the cloth diapering. I think cloth diapers are the cutest thing, but I never really thought of trying them myself for some reason. Maybe next time around :)
I would totally try to use disposal diapers IF I were a stay-at-home mom. I just don't have the time & I can't put his 75-year old babysitter through cleaning diapers, ha! I have a friend that uses them though & she does great!
Yay thank you so much for posting this!! I know I will be asking you a billion questions and dragging you out shopping with me when the time comes.
His lil' tushie is so cute!
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