Monday, November 29, 2010

Officially a family man

That's right folks!
We have officially traded in the Mustang for a 2011 Kia Sorento!
No more hot rodding for the hubs!
Ain't she a beauty?
It's funny how exhaust systems and horsepower used to excite him and now he's jazzed about dual control heat and 3rd row seating.  Haha.  Oh how the times have changed!


bananas. said...

oh he'll want all that's called the midlife crisis. hahaha! congrats on the new "family" car. i have one too...minus the family...if you don't count animals as children.

Jules said...

Congrats on the new ride! It looks very nice. It sounds like your husband was really good about letting the Mustang go.

Jen said...

Let me know how you guys like the Sorento. My boyfriend was thinking of looking at it when he's ready for a new car.

Congrats on the new ride!

Mrs. Lopez said...

Congrats on the new car! I want an SUV so bad! Hopefully we can get one after the baby is born!

Gwen said...

Congrats on the new car!!! I need a mom car I think. Not because I'm having more kids but because a two door car with a load of dance girls is a pain in the you know what. XOXO

Jess said...

NICE! I love that color! We missed you on Friday... hope to get to see you soon at our next meet-up!

d.a.r. said...

Love it!!! Congrats on his manly new dad-mobile!

Jax said...

CONGRATS! I love it!! It's pretty!! And yeah, things like heated seats and dual control air/heat kinda make my day now that I'm older.. haha.. I also asked for pyrex for Christmas. Comedy all around.

Brittany said...

Great choice!!

Shannon Dew said...

Hey at least it's not a mini van!

Kitty and June said...

you are hilarious! you would of loved lunch on friday! we missed you! hope you're feeling better!!! :) and your little man is getting so big! what a cutie!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's a sweet ride!! I have a Kia and love it!

Kristen said...

uh oh! Officially a grown up now! It's a good looking car! I love Kia's - and LOVE dual controlled heat!

Anonymous said...

Sweet ride! My husband cried when he sold the Jeep Wrangler. I let him keep it with the first kiddo even though it was a friggin' death trap. With the second kiddo the thing had to go.

He loves his new "daddy mobile" :)

Jordan said...

Love the Dad car- congrats to you and the hubs!

Anonymous said...

Love the new car!

Brittany Ann said...

No worries. We got our parent car last year, and we haven't even had a baby yet. P said it makes me look mom-ish, but cute. He totally rocks the Dad look when he drives it.

Lucky in Love said...

That is so sweet! Matt refused to give up the BMW. I can't wait until he gets puke, poop, and snacks all up in it :) Ha!