So Shannon over at Life After I Dew does a little thing called So What Wednesday and I thought I'd play along this week.
So What.....
- If I've become blog friends with my husbands ex-fiance. It may seem like an unlikely friendship, but we have kids born a week apart and anytime you go through a pregnancy with someone it's hard not to bond. Plus my husband thinks it's hilarious.
- If I have a fancy Keurig coffee maker at home but still spend an obscene amount on a Starbucks latte. It's crack I tell you, I can't stay away.
- If I still haven't sent out any thank you's from Jamie's Baptism. I'm usually on the ball with those kind of things but I've been a little pre-occupied lately.
- If I still haven't sent out any thank you's to all the people who've done wonderful things for us since my mom's passing. I kind of think this is the one situation where you should be exempt from the formal 'Thank You,' but that's just me.
- If I'm totally getting ready to make you all suffer through yet another one of those stupid Shutterfly posts. It's 50 free cards people, I'm not turning that down. Consider yourself warned and I won't be mad when no one reads it. :)
- If I don't really feel like celebrating the holidays this year. I'll go through the motions for Jamie's sake, but don't expect any extra cheer or HoHoHo.
- If my house is a total disaster zone right now. I wear a lot of hats these days and when I finally have a chance to sit down and watch my shows, playing maid just isn't happening. The dust bunnies aren't going anywhere, I'll get them eventually.
- If I discovered my pre-pregnancy jeans actually fit, but I keep wearing the maternity ones cause they're so damn comfy.
- If I saw a cute pregnant lady the other day and was a teensy bit jealous and already getting baby fever again. Yikes!
What are you saying 'So What' to this week?

Ha! Loved your "so what's" I feel the same way about being the house maid sista! The last thing I want to do after working all day is clean... especially when I have 10 DVR's episodes of Oprah to catch up on :)
You make me laugh! Oh, and the maternity jeans...I'd go with what's comfy too!
Love these! Maternity jeans, too funny. Girl sometimes I still wear my 'nursing tanks' as under tanks, and I haven't nursed my daughter since she turned 1 (she's 3). WHOOPS!
I have one of those Keurig coffee makers too but I still prefer Starbucks!
I just got my promo code for the 50free cards from Shutterfly. Can't turn down that offer! I promise to read that post :)
love this! ok, i admit.. my pre-preg jeans have fit for sometime now.. but i still bust out those maternity ones! who the heck wants a wasitband with a button digging into them all day? heck no. i love me some comfort!! and... i hearya on the baby fever thing.. yikes!!!
Girl!!! You convinced me to try an Egg Nog latte and now I'm hooked!!! 15 pounds will be added directly to my butt!!! And you take all the time you need on thank yous. I think you are more than entitled to do them whenever you feel like it. me if you need help even if it is with the housework. You know I love to clean. LOL!!! XOXO
I love your first "So What"...
I'm blog friends with an ex boyfriends wife and my husband's ex girlfriend is now dating his best friend. It's the circle of life! ;)
Love this post! Starbucks is crack! But I can sadly say I have not had Starbucks in over a week. Dang you weight-loss!
Love this! And I felt the same way about the shutterfly post! ;) It's okay! :)
And do you like your Keurig machine? My husband wants one, and I'm still not sure. Yes, Starbucks is better, but is it even close?
:) Have a great day! :)
You can't pass up the 50 free cards. I am with you on being comfortable, I too would be rocking some maternity jeans. I am friends with my ex's family on FB and my husband thinks I am a nutbag.
'so what'... what a great idea! these all brought a little smile to my face. you tell 'em!
Starbucks definitely puts crack in their coffee. I have been trying to perfect their Vanilla Roibos tea lattes for weeks now... I even bought the tea from them. BUT THEY NEVER TASTE THE SAME WHEN I MAKE THEM. :) wtf?
isn't it crazy to get those jealous moments when you see a prego person? It's like wow, my life is slightly crazy already and I want to add another one? Oh wait, I may have just been talking about myself! lol I don't think that anyone really is losing sleep over not getting a thank you card from you so don't rush girl ok, worry about you and your family! And I think it's crazy that you and the ex-fiance are friends now! But, I understand becoming friends with someone just because you're both prego.... the world is a strange place!
Hope you are doing well!
I did the 50 free cards deal as well!! It's too good to pass up!
I don't blame you. I don't even have a belly yet, but I want maternity jeans due to the comfy waist band!
And, dude, lest I remind you...all the nausea! You don't want the baby fever yet! Trust me!
Fun post- I may have to join in next time! Baby fever? Who could blame you with that cutie patootie at home!? I'm also getting ready to bore my blog friends with the Shutterfly deal.. who cares- free is free, right?
i have a keurig and i still spend $3 a day on my tall soy lattes. i can't help it...peet's and tully's make it better!!!
I think the birth of a child and the death of a loved one should be exempt from thank you note obligations. I know, Emily Post is rolling over in her grave right now. But seriously, everyone understands that you are completely overwhelmed and busy on other things. Everytime I send a baby gift, I always include a note telling the new mama that I will be pissed if she gives up 5 minutes of cuddling time to write me a thank you note, ha!
I think it’s pretty hilarious too that you befriending the ex-fiance. We have the Keurig too and I still can’t resist Starbucks.
I’m considering doing the Shutterfly post myself, so don’t feel bad.
No worries on feeling the way you do about the holidays. It’s completely understandable considering the circumstances. I think you should definitely relax when you can.
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