When best friends have babies less than 4 months apart.....
it's destiny really that they're babes are besties too!
Here are Harper and Jamie at their first meeting in January 2011.
Just a couple of fresh faced cuties.
Then again last summer in August 2011.
To think we thought they were so grown up then!
This past weekend my BFF came for her annual KC visit and we had a blast!
Too bad we live 700 miles apart and can't capture moments like this more often!!

They are adorable! wedding bells in the future?!? ;)
Love it. Harper asked where Jamie was this morning and got a pouty lip when she realized he wasn't here. So cute.
Hahaha my first thought was that they could get married someday!
It's amazing to see how grown up both of them look now compared to when they first met!
They are so cute together!! Did you guys make it to the train restaurant? I told Dave about it, and I think we may try to go there when we visit.
Aw they are so cute together! I love that they're so close in age! All of my friends are already on kiddo numero dos, sooo at this point, I'm thinking I have a better shot of having their kids in my wedding than having kids at the same time. Blerg. :)
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