Thursday, September 20, 2012

I believe....

I believe that a solo trip to Target can save your sanity.

I believe in the power of random acts of kindness.

I believe that a good cupcake can solve just about anything.

I believe you should never settle.

I believe that a killer dress and some heels can make any woman feel like a million bucks.  No matter the size.

I believe that I WILL get to goal weight.

I believe that rainy days are good for the soul.

I believe hugs and kisses from mom can solve just about anything.  Even when you're 31.

I believe in a good cry.

I believe in girls night out.

I believe in the amazement that is watching my son fall in love with college football.

I believe in a good glass of wine.

I believe God never gives us more than we can handle.

I believe a trip to the salon is the most relaxing thing ever.

I believe in date nights.

I believe in second chances.  Thirds?  Not so much.

I believe in spoiling yourself....and retail therapy.

I believe in driving with the windows down....and the radio up.

I believe mommy's need timeouts sometimes too.

I believe Starbucks puts crack in their coffee.  How else do they convince people to continually spend so much on a cup of java?

I believe in pajama days.

I believe you can do anything when you put your mind to it.

I believe that a trip to the lake is all you need to recharge your batteries.

I believe that life's too short and NEVER take anyone or anything for granted.

I believe that the laundry and the chores can wait.

I believe in me.

I believe in us.

I believe that the juice is worth the squeeze.

Linking up with Living in Yellow today!
Happy Thursday peeps!
Come on back tomorrow with all your Friday Confessions!!


Unknown said...

I love this post. Thank you for sharing

dave and jenn said...


Melissa at Tall Blonde Blog said...

OK, clearly I'm way emo today because this made me cry. I love it!

And now I want a cupcake and a Pumpkin Spice Latte from the Bucks.