Friday, September 10, 2010's all about compromise

A conversation between Mr and Mrs Eyecansee:

"Hey Hun, it's your girl"

(Cue Taylor Swift song on the radio)

"She has a crush on me I know it" (Give him the side eye)

"She doesn't even know who you are...."

"Yes she does" (Roll my eyes)

"Ok. You can be with her if I can run away with Zac Efron."


Nothing like some jail bait crushes. At least I'm pretty sure they're both over 18.


Molly B said...

Funny- that is a good convo....our conversations are about how much money I am spending on twin gear- per the hubby- spending WAY too much...too bad it is all consignment....

Kelsey712 said...

that sounds like a great compromise to me!

Anonymous said...

Zac Efron is such a cutie! I definetly have a cougar crush on him. I'm a brand new follower.

Shannon said...

My husband has a thing for Miley. Gag me. Ugh.

Roxy Te said...

hahah! I guess that would pose as a minor problem for you both if they were underage!

Sara Cate said...

You both have good taste! Enjoy the crushes.

bananas. said...

ew taylor swift! really?!! how can he get pass her horribly whiny voice and terrible songs? hmm...zack is cute. almost too pretty though. i wonder who i would pick...let me think about it.

Anonymous said...

Zac is definitely my crush too. ::sigh:: My husband and I are both still newlyweds, so we keep our crushes to ourselves... for now! :)

Jordan said...

LOL! You guys are hilarious! Gotta love celebrity crushes.. fun too look at but completely never going to happen (at least not mine!).

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Are they over 18?!?! I didn't think she was. I love her songs.

Kristen said...

mmmm yummy! Look at the chest & abs! Zac's of course not Taylor! lol

Middle Name Marie said...


Is it weird that I would run away with Zac Braff?

Sandra said...

Love those endearing exchanges between husband and wife.
I think you're good with him...not so such about Taylor though...