Has it really only been five days since this roller coaster ride began?
It feels like an eternity.
Can I get off now?
Most days you kind of just exist in a fog, driving back and forth from the hospital.
Sitting and staring at your mom who is sedated and now has machines breathing for her when just a week ago she was perfectly fine.
It's been confirmed she has a severe case of pneumonia that is very aggressive and has infected her entire body. She continues to be on a ventilator and started dialysis on Saturday to help her kidneys rid her body of all the toxins left behind from the infection.
Doctors all remain very optimistic she will beat this, it's just going to take a lot of time and patience. They anticipate she will remain in the ICU on the ventilator for at least another 10-12 days.
I've been down at the lake with my dad this week, thankfully work was slow and I could take the time off. I plan on staying here through the weekend and then will head back to KC. Our newest mission is to find Jamie a daycare since it looks like grandma....aka our nanny.....is going to be out of commission for awhile.
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support! I will keep you all posted on any updates.
And because this blog could use a little cheering up, who can resist this little face.....

I hope your mom feels better soon! I know it must be scary but I'm sure she'll be okay.
I am thinking about your mom and sending good vibes your way. Love you lady!
I am so sorry, hon. I can't believe that is happening! It must be terrible. And having just had pneumonia in both lungs I can tell you it's no fun at all. I knew it could be very serious but this is just a reminder of how dangerous it really is. I will keep praying for her to get well very soon! (((hugs)))
I am hoping for a speedy recovery and continue to keep your family in my thoughts.
Your little man is getting so big!
{Big Hugs}
I'm so sorry for your family! It must be so tough... I'd be so scared if it was my mom. Hang in there - sounds like she just needs more time but will be good as new soon!! Hugs
hoping for a quick recovery for your Mom!
I'm so happy to hear that despite the lows, your mom will be making a full recovery! Prayers answered! And oh my gosh, could Jamie be any cuter?!
It's good to hear from you...I'm praying for you guys.
Many thoughts and prayers. I am glad that your mother will be making a full recovery! That is fantastic news. Keep that little one's smiles in your heart, he will help you get through this stressful time!
I hope your mom feels better! I am praying for you guys!
Jamie is so cute!
So sorry to hear that :(
Jamie is getting so big and is absolutely adorable.
Sending our prayers up for your Mom's speedy recovery.
Keeping your mom in my prayers..
Jamie is getting so big! He is just so sweet!
Oh my goodness! At least the doctors think she's going to be ok!
I am still so sad to hear about your mom... she and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers! I can only imagine what you all must be feeling and going through.
At least you have one incredibly handsome little babe to love up on. Jamie is a doll :)
Sending lots of prayers your way my friend!! I hope your mama recovers super soon!
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