It's OK cry before 8am. Twice. Some mornings are just like that. fall off the wagon. It's how fast you get back on that's most important. be late to work because your son says "Up mama up! I wanna hug!" I mean really? Who could say no to that? freak out because your period is like 2 seconds late have a big sigh of relief when it shows up an hour later and practically do cartwheels in the bathroom at work. Guess the baby fever isn't as bad as I thought! change your mind 102343978 times in one day on whether or not you're going to have a party for your childs birthday. get excited over stupid stuff like a new scent of laundry detergent. Sometimes it's the little things. say "Ch-ch-ch-chia!" every time you talk about the chia seeds you bought for the overnight oatmeal you're geekily excited to try not be sad everyone else in your family turned their noses up at the delicious raspberries you bought. More for me!
....that 3 weeks later you still haven't finished the third shades of grey book. I mean come on, how much sex can two people really have. I'm sort of over it. wish you were on a plane to Mexico for your best friends wedding instead of sitting at work
Happy {I wish it were Friday} Thursday!

I've been wanting to try the overnight oatmeal too. But I am leary of the ch-ch-ch-chia seeds!
I may try the seed-less route. ;)
I am not into the third book either- I just stopped reading it. Have tried four times to pick it back up. Not into it either.
Oh, I always freak out when my period is late. I take my birth control religiously but I still get worried sometimes. SO.NOT.READY for a third (maybe ever).
I didn't even try to read the third book, I was too annoyed after the first two. So unrealistic!
Since I'm still breastfeeding I still haven't gotten my period since having Hunter. So I take a test each month just to be sure and the whole time I'm like "please be negative, please be negative" haha. Not ready for #2yet AT ALL!!!
Great post and so true!!!!
I fall off the wagon as well and agree with you...get back on and get busy. = )
OK, call me isolated or something....I don't know about this book you all are talking about...hmmmmm?
Sometimes when my period is late (my cycles are irregular) I just pee on a stick. There is some sort of cosmic rule that once you do, it comes like an hour later. It rocks.
Also, we didn't have a big party for Connor. I had a tractor cake made for him ($15), bought a $0.97 yellow tablecloth, bought yellow and green fabric for $5 and cut pennants out and glued them onto some twine I already had to hang up. Cake, ice cream, presents, and simplicity. The way parties should be.
Yea by book 3 I was skipping the sex scenes. They're all described the same way and it gets old lol
I'm only 1/2 way through the first book. Was all into it and now I'm like aaahh, it's ok, but not that great.
Umm, I totally sniff my Tide with Febreeze all of the time when I'm doing laundry:)
i feel the same way about book #3. I read book 1 in less than 48 hrs, book 2 in maybe 4 days and i've been on book 3 for awhile. I skim all the sex parts b/c I'm so over it too.
Excellent list, my friend. I totally understand those cry-before-8am days. Blerg. And the falling off the wagon and getting back on.. yes. Definitely.
Great post!! Also, the third was my least favorite of the three, but it brought definite closure.
I always had the mentality that if I fall of the wagon one day, I can get back on the next! No big deal! :)
haha i just bought chia seeds yesterday and had my 1st batch of overnight oats this morning....I wasn't too sure if I was going to like it, but it was pretty good!!
Haha....I still haven't even finished the first book. I'm like 30% done and already thinking that the sex scenes are getting old. Is that bad? I promise I'm not a prude! I'm also starting to wonder how they will ever make this into a movie. :/
ohhh i do the freak out when my periods is 2 seconds late too. and then i do a happy dance when it comes. and then 2 minutes later, i'm bitching up a STORM.
I quit the 50 shades series pretty early on. Could not take it.
And I would've been late to work too. Sweet boy :)
Some mornings a good cry just helps!
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