<div align="center"><a href="http://www.mrandmrseyecansee.blogspot.com" title="The Juice is Worth the Squeeze" target="_blank"><img src="http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg287/emsrdh03/confessionsbutton2.png" alt="The Juice is Worth the Squeeze" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I ate cookies and coffee for breakfast. I've told myself Sunday is the deadline for this all you can eat pity crapfest if I want to drop 15 pounds before even thinking about getting pregnant again.
Last night at the movies we were in one of the Fork and Dine theaters so the server would occasionally come up and down the aisles to bring food and drinks. He would literally speed race up and down the stairs and I kept thinking how funny it would be if he fell. That probably makes me a bad person, but I'm sorry, people falling is funny. As long as they don't get hurt of course, I'm not totally heartless.
Last week we went to a cookout with some friends and I said I would bring some sides. I had all these grand intentions of making some elaborate new recipes off pinterest. Instead I bought a can of baked beans and boxed pasta salad.
I had a patient yesterday who's well into her third year of life and still breastfeeding several times a day. I think that's weird.
The other night I let Jamie eat a peanut butter sandwich and M&Ms for dinner. It was a Monday. The husband was working late. Enough said.
Yesterday afternoon we had a staff meeting and a lunch order was passed around. I just assumed it would be paid for like it had been in the past so when they said to make sure to bring cash I was surprised. I honestly wanted to just say never mind and cancel my order, but didn't want to look like a total cheapskate. But I am cheap. And would have been just as happy eating a lunch I brought from home I'd already paid for.
I think any way of eating that gets its own name is a fad diet. Hello Paleo, I'm looking at you.
I've tried countless home made, from scratch, macaroni and cheese recipes but really think the good ole blue box from Kraft is the best. Even better leftover the next day. I know. I'm weird.
The husband and I watched an entire season of Scandal in one week. That's dedication right there.
Between the miscarriage and Jamie's surgery I haven't had a full nights sleep in weeks. I'm exhausted. Not to mention I either have bad allergies or a cold. The bags under my eyes need their own zipcode. If I could check myself into the Betty Ford Clinic for a week I would. Though a week on a beach sounds nice too.
I still lurk on the May 2014 mommy board. That's probably not helping the bitter/angry phase I'm in. At least I got rid of the "Only Child Expiring" shirt for Jamie. Baby steps.
I thought I was going to make it through an entire episode of Parenthood without crying. And then Ryan proposed. Damn you Parenthood. Every.single.time.
Confessions. They're good for the soul.
Happy Friday! It's nice to see you, you sexy son of a bitch!

I'm the same way about Mac and cheese. Also love Scandal and Parenthood! I know its ben rough lately but I Hope you get some sleep soon.
I LOVE Scandal, my favorite show, can't wait for the premiere!
Friday confessional is my fave. Hope you're doing ok . Not to brag or anything... The Mr. And I have done a season of Downton Abby in one day... Yup... Bet your jealous...
I seriously love Scandal! I would have totally cancelled that order of food. They were fake paying it sounds like and then they were being cheap!
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