Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bump Day ~ 12 weeks

(Originally Written 5.23.14)

How far along? 12 weeks

Weight gain/loss: Up 2.5 lbs in 2 weeks.  Blah.  Total gain 4 lbs.

Maternity Clothes?  Those capris I bought for our trip last week sure were comfy!  I felt a little ridiculous wearing them so early, but I forgot about the joys of an elastic waist!

Sleep: Not too bad.

Stretch marks: Nothing new.

Best moment this week: Surprise ultrasound!  So I had yet another bout of spotting this week, obviously not the best moment, but I'm getting there.  So it lingered for several days but was nothing to get too excited over, however the night before we left on an almost week long trip to Ohio I had a mini meltdown that something was wrong.  We delayed our departure so I could make a quick trip to the OB.  They couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler, which at this point isn't unusual, so they snuck me in for an ultrasound.  There up on the big screen was a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat of 175!  Talk about a sigh of relief!  The stupid spotting continued through the weekend but, fingers crossed, has finally left the building!  Hopefully for good this time!

Movement: Still feeling those weird vibrations on and off, but I'm really doubting it's baby.

Food cravings: All my Columbus faves, and the Jeni's Key Lime Pie ice cream did NOT disappoint.  Probably a good thing there's 700 miles between me and the nearest Jeni's or I'd likely be up 10 pounds by now!

Gender: Definitely feeling the girl vibes still.  Had a dream the week I found out I was pregnant, it was next summer and we were at my dad's pool, the baby was a girl and wearing the most adorable red and white polka dot swimsuit.  I just can't shake that.  Though part of me would love a brother for Jamie.  Guess it's a good thing I don't get to choose because I don't think I could!

Labor Signs: No thank you.

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I Miss: The textbook "perfect" pregnancy I had with Jamie.  After a miscarriage I could really do without all these other hiccups.

What I'm looking forward to: 2nd Tri.  Maybe then I'll finally feel a bit more confident that this pregnancy is really happening!

Weekly Wisdom:  Never worry about "bothering" your doctor.  If something doesn't feel right, there's nothing better than the peace of mind only your OB can give you.

Milestones: Dare I say the all day nausea is starting to fade.

Big Brother: Well we figured we'd better tell him the news before he found out from someone else.  He's about as excited as a 3 year old can be.  Which basically means he has absolutely no clue what bomb we just dropped on him, but he thinks it's cool and he says he will share all his toys with the baby.

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