How far along? 17 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 5 lbs as of my last appt....3 weeks ago. I have a sneaking suspicion it's more than that now.
Maternity Clothes? Scrubs and capris. Thank god for maxi skirts and drawstring linen shorts.
Sleep: Good, no complaints here.
Stretch marks: As long as I get out of this without my stomach looking like a tiger clawed me to shreds I'll be happy.
Best moment this week: I went to the store today. When I came home, my husband had vacuumed. This happens like, never, so it pretty much made my day.
Best moment this week: I went to the store today. When I came home, my husband had vacuumed. This happens like, never, so it pretty much made my day.
Movement: Yes, I'm finally admitting all those flutters I've been feeling are baby, I even felt a tiny little jab the other day. I forgot just how cool it is.
Food cravings: I've had a love affair with peanut butter M&Ms this week. Why can't I be one of those pregnant ladies who craves fruit??
Gender: The appt is set! We find out July 18th!
Labor Signs: Nope.
What I Miss: Walking up a hill without feeling winded. I took Jamie to the pool today and by the time I lugged him and the wagon up the hill I thought I might die.
Food cravings: I've had a love affair with peanut butter M&Ms this week. Why can't I be one of those pregnant ladies who craves fruit??
Gender: The appt is set! We find out July 18th!
Labor Signs: Nope.
What I Miss: Walking up a hill without feeling winded. I took Jamie to the pool today and by the time I lugged him and the wagon up the hill I thought I might die.
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out of it's a boy or girl! Three weeks seems so far away!!
Weekly Wisdom: When you eat like garbage, you feel like garbage. Step away from the M&Ms and no body gets hurt.
Milestones: I had my hair done for the first time in 7 months. Does that count? At this rate the next I step foot into a salon I'll have a baby!
Big Brother: Baby name of the week, Winty Carstar. They just keep getting better and better.
Milestones: I had my hair done for the first time in 7 months. Does that count? At this rate the next I step foot into a salon I'll have a baby!
Big Brother: Baby name of the week, Winty Carstar. They just keep getting better and better.

1 comment:
Oh my gosh, I love this. And I am so, so happy for you. I'm on the fence about having another, so I'm going to live vicariously through you. Love that you're finding out soon - that's Jade's birthday! I'm going with girl this time.
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