How far along? 16 weeks. Which means baby is the size of an avocado. Last week it was an orange. I feel like that's a downgrade, an orange seems bigger to me.
Weight gain/loss: 5 lbs as of my last appt.
Maternity Clothes? Broke down and busted out the maternity scrubs this week. Wednesday after squeezing myself into my regular ones I decided it was dumb to be miserable all day when I had another option, even if the tops are still ridiculously big. Who cares. I was comfortable.
Sleep: I slept almost a solid 12 hours last night. Enough said. It was glorious!
Stretch marks: Still nothing new, still itchy.
Best moment this week: I had Tuesday off so I sent Jamie to school and binge watched the second season of Orange is the New Black.
Best moment this week: I had Tuesday off so I sent Jamie to school and binge watched the second season of Orange is the New Black.
Movement: Felt a few more convincing flutters this week, but still not sure enough to call it.
Food cravings: Bologna and cheese sandwiches, and it has to be on a hamburger bun. With Jamie I craved hot dogs, so apparently my children like crappy lunch meat products.
Gender: Intuition still thinks girl, but I won't be surprised if it's a boy.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. It never popped with Jamie. I doubt it will this time. I think this question needs to go.
What I Miss: Drinks. Went out with some friends Friday night, sat out on the patio, a pint of beer would have been far more satisfying than my water. I might have had small samples of everyone else's, you know, quality control.
Food cravings: Bologna and cheese sandwiches, and it has to be on a hamburger bun. With Jamie I craved hot dogs, so apparently my children like crappy lunch meat products.
Gender: Intuition still thinks girl, but I won't be surprised if it's a boy.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. It never popped with Jamie. I doubt it will this time. I think this question needs to go.
What I Miss: Drinks. Went out with some friends Friday night, sat out on the patio, a pint of beer would have been far more satisfying than my water. I might have had small samples of everyone else's, you know, quality control.
What I'm looking forward to: Some full on baby movement! Now that most of my first tri symptoms have faded away I'm in that weird "Is anything even still in there??" phase. A little verification would be nice.
Weekly Wisdom: Jalapeno poppers always sound like a great idea....until the next day.
Milestones: When patients at work as if I have any kids I finally feel comfortable enough to say "Yep, one plus one on the way!" That's a big step for my pregnant after a loss brain.
Big Brother: Still convinced baby is a girl. I mentioned baby could be a boy and he just laughed and said "no way mom, it's a sister, duh!" Also had a few more doozy name suggestions, I need to write them down because I always forget them. He also said out of the blue last week that he and the baby are going to be best buddies and he will even share his toys with her. Then I died.
Milestones: When patients at work as if I have any kids I finally feel comfortable enough to say "Yep, one plus one on the way!" That's a big step for my pregnant after a loss brain.
Big Brother: Still convinced baby is a girl. I mentioned baby could be a boy and he just laughed and said "no way mom, it's a sister, duh!" Also had a few more doozy name suggestions, I need to write them down because I always forget them. He also said out of the blue last week that he and the baby are going to be best buddies and he will even share his toys with her. Then I died.

You look great! (and so tan!)
He's going to be an amazing big brother. That is adorable!
You look great! I love that shirt!
Landon insisted my current pregnancy was with a girl baby and he was right. I've heard of a lot of people saying their older child was correct in guessing the gender of their sibling :)
So excited for you!!!
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