All these tears and I've only said good bye to my co-workers! The rest of the weekend is gonna be hell!! I have to say good bye to my in-laws. My friends. And my two best friends in the whole wide world. I'm crying now just typing it. This moving stuff is tough!
On a MUCH MUCH happier note....I GET TO SEE MY HUBBY TONIGHT!!!! Finally!!!

hang in there girl!!
yes, we should have a threesome! haha. gwen @ confessions of a control freak and i are talking about a KC blogger meet up or something!
have you found a house yet???
YAY for getting to see your husband tonight! My friend, Meredith, went through this (She's at A Work in Progress on my links). Her hubby got a job in Dallas and she had to stay behind for a bit. I couldn't imagine how rough that would be! I've had long distance relationships..but that's mostly b/c they were more convenient than short-distance ones for me back then.. haha... So, not the same thing.
And it's definitely not "goodbye" especially since his in-laws are there and so many of your friends! I suggest scheduling a trip back so you can have it on the schedule and know it's coming! It will help if you get the homesick blues at all. :)
And apparently I'm writing a novel. Sorry! haha! But, you're going to LOVE KC! I know I do when I get to visit for work. Cant wait to read more about your adventures!!!!
I am thinking of you! I know how tough those goodbyes can be.
yes. i will be a mess. i've been tearing up for weeks...when i even tell my friends and family you're leaving! hard to believe that next week i won't just be able to call you up and see if you want to hang out. :(
thinking about you girly.
good byes are never easy :( maybe think of it as until next time...
i'm glad you get to see your hubby tonight!
good luck. nice blog.
Take it from someone who has said a lot of good byes...they only count if you never talk to the person again. Instead of goodbye...I much prefer see ya soon. I know it's cliche, but in our case...most definitely true.
Love You!
Awww, hang in there!
Aw girl!! Moving is one of the hardest things people have to do (I think that!) Just remember to hang in there and that people that mean the most to you are going to always be there for you and will always be your treasured loved ones!!!
Long story short...my family moved to NC when I was a junior in h/s and took me from EVERYONE I grew up with. Talk about heartbreak!
I can't wait to read more about your life when you move and the changes you experience! It stinks now, but just think you will get to see the hubby soooo soon!
Hang in there honey! moving is so hard...and crying is healthy, get it out!! You might be leaving but you'll see them again...I know it!
i am SO glad you get to see your honey tonight!! YAY!!!
awww moving really is so hard - sorry you've had a long week of goodbyes!
at least you get to see your hubby tonight!! yay!
I just went to Target and they told me there were completely out of kleenex ;)
Hang in there, moving is always hard. And it's never goodbye, just an 'ill see you later.'
Hope you come back to Central Ohio and visit soon! I know Kansas won't be this cool :)
LOL!!! I just saw that Domestic Goddess said something to you about having a meet up. I totally didn't realize you were moving to town this weekend!!! I hope you have a wonderful move. :) XOXO
moving BLOWS... but, try and focus on the excitement of exploring and finding things to love in a new place!
Yay for seeing the Hub!!!
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