The first one is your typical college girl "tramp stamp" on my mid-back. I like to think it's less tramp and more class helps me sleep at night. I always said I would only get a tattoo if it was truly something meaningful. Something I wouldn't look back on in 10 years and go WTF?! My junior year of college we did a class fundraiser to raise money for our board exams. One of my classmates was Japanese and thought t-shirts with the character for "tooth" on them would be perfect to sell to all the fellow dental and dental hygiene students. The t-shirts were pretty awesome, in a dorky dental school kinda way, and I thought the Japanese symbol would make a perfect tattoo. So when my bestie was going to get one for her 21st birthday I decided to take the plunge. As far as the whole Asian character tattoo trend goes...I think mine is pretty sweet. Way cooler than "love" or "peace" or some other cliche thing. (No offense to anyone out there who went that route)
Everyone always talks about the pain of lower back tattoos...while it's not something I would want to experience 24/7...for the 20 minutes it took, it wasn't so bad. Obviously it didn't scar me for life because 2 years ago I got my second. My hubs has 5...maybe 6 tattoos and was dying to get another. I poo-poo'd the full body pin up girl but did agree to a small, tasteful Block "O" in honor of our favorite football team. In helping him find a good example, I decided I wanted one too. Call it boyfriend/girlfriend bonding. So for his 25th bday, that's what we did. They are both on the inside of our right ankles. Mine is a much more petite, girly version. I love it! Unlike my first one, this one I can actually see on a regular basis. People notice it and comment on it all the time. Surprisingly I get a lot of "is that real or one of those temporary face tattoos?" Yeah. Cause in the middle of the summer I'm going to pay homage to the buckeyes with a temp tattoo...on my ankle. Idiots. The pain factor on this one was about the same. My hubby however said it was the worst out of all the ones he'd had done. Big ole wuss! Good thing I'm the one with the vag and ute or we'd never have kids!

So how about all of you?? Any mystery tattoos out there?
No ink for me! I can't find anything that I love enough to have stretched out and wrinkly in 60 years :)
I often have to tatoo bug for my third. Maybe we can go together again. It'll be a reason to get together.
I don't think I could do it. Hubs wants one on his shoulder, but I think he should pick someplace else. He's not really the "tat" guy. He's too much into video games!
My husband has the tattoo bug. I have none. He has two huge ones. And he's planning and has already designed more.
i never wanted a tattoo but i seriously contemplated for several months getting my nose pierced! haha!!
i'm up for that HH whenever you are! hows the big kc??
I love your ink! I heart tattoos, I may... or may not have one. Just ONE mom, geesh!!! ;) Have to say the one on the ankle could have looked a lot better if it were some longhorns, hook em horns!
No tats here, but I like them on other people. Everyone I know that has one got the bug and has at least two now.
I like both of your tattoos and the fact that they at least mean something :)
I don't have any. I can't think of something that I can deal with forever being on me and I'm always worried about it fading.
I have never wanted one and nor has my husband, but I enjoy seeing others and find it interesting to see what people picked!
"good thing I'm the one with the vag"
I'm too scuurrred!!!
I love your block O! I once, drunkenly, suggested DH and I getting block O tattoo's right before we were about to graduate . . . needless to say I had changed my mind in the morning. I don't have any tattoos but if I were going to get one, I would definitely go for the block O.
yep :) and there are more coming!
currently, a little icthus (jesus fish) on my right foot...
..and ps...i HATE when people talk about them getting "stretched out and wrinkly"
My hubs has a tattoo of a cross on his arm and I love it, but none for me!=)
I have a tattoo and no one ever believes me! I usually end up having to show it if I care enough to prove them wrong. I have a butterfly on my right hip bone, it is very well hidden, and that was the plan. Sometimes I want another one, but my hubby really isn't ino stuff like that so I know he won't get it if I say I want another.
just the celtic rinity knot on my foot.. it's probably the size of a nickle.
I'm totally with you on the meaning behind tattoo's. My next one is going to involve music, I think. But who knows when that will be.
I always wanted a tatoo but could never find anything I thought I would want forever. I thought about a Robin bird for my name but it seemed to "sissy" for a tatoo. Now the want has faded.
As a fellow buckeye fan, I can definitely appreciate the 'O'. Love it!
i'm still a "no" on the tattoo front.
you totally cracked me up w/ "Idiots."
no tats for me.
i think it's super cute that you two have the same tat!
I have one! Chinese symbol for "hapiness" ..hubby told me if we ever got married, he would get the same one. it didn't happened. I'm tempted to email him your link! haha
P.S. I left you an award on my blog!
The hubs and I are going to get matching ones with our little man's birth date. I have a ridiculous rose on my lower torso. Darn that 19 yr old Kristin. Ah ha. Oh and GO GATORS. ah ha ha
I don't have any yet, but I'd love to get a Celtic cross at some point. We'll see! That OSU tattoo will be great for tomorrow, huh? ;)
My hubs and I have matching tats too!
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