What are your middle names?
Emily Christine
Adam Jon
How long have you been together?
2 1/2 years
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
4 days
Who asked whom out?
Well technically he asked me out on our first real, in person date. We met on match.com though and I'm the one who talked to him first. So it's a toss up.
How old are each of you?
Me: 28
Him: 27
Such a cougar, I know.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Mine now that we live in KC
Do you have any children?
Not yet
What about pets?
Kasey- 6 year old Beagle
Moose- 2 year old Beagle mix
Did you go to the same school?
Are you from the same home town?
Not even close. He's from Columbus, OH. I grew up in Omaha, NE.
Who is the smartest?
Do we even need to ask this?? ME.....duh. Haha. He has his moments too I suppose.
Who is more sensitive?
Probably me.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Betty's. Anything Mexican. Minsky's, our new fave pizza.
Where is the furthest you've traveled together?
Who has the craziest exes?
Neither. Mine are out of the picture....his seems pretty normal. We've never met, but we follow a lot of the same blogs so I "see" her from time to time.
Who has the worst temper?
That's a tough one....but I will go with him. I tend to be pretty short fused too though.
Who does the cooking?
Me. Unless you want cereal or pizza rolls...then I let him play chef.
Who is more social?
Me. I can and will talk to pretty much anyone.
Who is the neat freak?
Neither. We aren't dirty and disgusting...but we aren't neat freaks.
Who is more stubborn?
That would be me.
Who hogs the bed?
Again. Me. But the dog often takes his fair share...so I don't take full blame.
Who wakes up earlier?
Until I became unemployed, it was always me. Now it's him on work days.
Where was your first date?
The Elevator
Who has the bigger family?
Him. By a long shot. I have like 2 cousins.
Do you get flowers often?
Often like every week? No. Often like more often than most people? Yes.
How do you spend the holidays?
We try and split the big ones fairly between the two families. Since they're 10 hrs apart it's near impossible to see both.
Who is more jealous?
Me. Sometimes it's a problem.
How long did it take to get serious?
Slow at first. He had been engaged like 2 months before we met. She broke it off. I saw the rebound red flags and wasn't even sure I wanted to go out with him. I took a chance though and it obviously worked out ok. :) Once we started dating things moved pretty fast.
Who eats more?
Depends on the day...but more often it's him.
Who does the laundry?
Me. But only because I'm super anal about it and don't trust him to get it right. I'm sure once kids enter the picture and I have less time I won't care so much.
Who's better with the computer?
Neither of us is much of a whiz
Who drives when you are together?
Him. Lately I've been hitting the invisible passenger brake a lot though...I'm starting to question his driving abilities.

I have a best friend like that too :-) I love her!
I loved this! It was fun learning more about you!=)
hehe. i love the invisible passenger brake :)
I'm so glad that you're able to catch up with your friend this weekend. It is so nice to have people in your life like that.
I loved reading the answers to your couple’s survey. We have some things in common like; I met hubby online, we both like Mexican, have 2 dogs and we know that we will both talk to anyone!
Friends like that are the best! Mine all live in different cities now, though, so I REALLY value the times we get to see each other. Cute quiz! Happy Friday!
So cute!! :) Have fun... and I should be cleaning and doing a million other things... but you guys are all so much more interesting than that! :)
Have fun at the lake. Tell Carolyn and the David clan I say hello!
lol best friend! i laughed when you said you hit the invisible passenger break. hehe. i'm on glass two of wine. whee! finally a night in.
i have more to share about the subject of my last blog. call me!
have fun w/ carolyn @ the lake. i'm jealous. i wanna visit!!
oh and when you're in town to move/close on your place we have to go to that mexican place.
I love friends like that!
Cute survey!! Happy Weekend doll!
i have a bff exactly like that!!
we try to see each other at least once a month ;)
have a fabulous weekend with your friend hun!
the survey was super cute, i love learning about my bloggy friends!
my fiance was engaged a few years before i met him....that has always bugged me. i don't even know who called it off, he doesn't and won't talk about it...
so you two met on match.com, were you living in the same state then? how did things play out from there?
don't answer if i'm being nosey ;)
hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!
Have a wonderful time!
That picture is priceless!
It was great knowing more about you!
This was cute!! And have so much fun at the lake!! :)
Oh I loved reading through this. Great questions!!
On a different note, I tagged you in a meme over at my place!
You've hit Minsky's?? Time to high-tail it to Jack's Stack for BBQ!!
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