I arrived at the office around 7:45. One of the dental assistants showed me where I'd be
working, pointed out the basics, then went on her merry way. I understand I am only going to be here for one day. I understand you don't want to interrupt your morning showing me where everything is. I don't understand however, why every time I ask you a question you give me the stink eye. Seriously....just because YOU know how all this ancient equipment works, doesn't mean I do. I was born in the 20th century, not the 19th like this piece of shit chair. So throw me a bone lady and help me out!!!

Thankfully after my loo
ooong day in a dental time warp, the hubs and I went out for a wine tasting. I think I've mentioned it before, but my family owns a wine distribution company called, Handcrafted Wines of Kansas. We don't have a vineyard or make wine, contrary to popular belief. We are in fact the middle man. We buy wine from wineries all over the world and then sell it to stores who in turn sell it to you. Sounds like a big chain meant to rip off the consumer, but in the state of Kansas that's the way it has to be done. Anyways, my brother and the rest of the sales guys do wine tastings to showcase what we sell...and I, as the Paris Hilton of the biz, get to show up and drink to my hearts content. Now that I'm here in the big KC and will have much easier access (my hubs works in the warehouse) I might start sampling more wine to share with all my blogging friends. I even told my brother he could guest post from time to time...cause let's be honest, my wine descriptions are less than accurate! So be on the lookout for a blog wine tasting soon!!

Subbing as a DH doesn't sound like much fun. Said girl was probably just intimidated by you. Wine tasting is so fun...I'm trying to learn more about it. There's a lot of information out there. Happy Friday!
so this means when i come to visit you'll have plenty of wine for me to taste. ah, the perks of being best friend! :)
I like your Paris Hilton comparison. That's Hot!
ugh...why do people have to be rude? it is so much easier to be nice!
bet you got a great deal on the wine at your wedding! HAHA!
happy friday! have a great weekend.
Oh man... the dental lady needs to shape up!!
And... i can't wait for the post with the wine descriptions. TL and I love wine. We purchase all different kinds and love trying new things!
God bless wine! Happy Friday to you! Have a great weekend!
Uh oh, old equipment at a dentist office...that doesn't sound fun for any party involved.
Have fun at the tasting!
ooo.. i am so jealous of your wine connection! haha, i would LOVE if you did wine posting... i'm always looking for a great bottle to try! what a fun way to end a crappy day!
What an awesome way to end an annoying day!!!
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