Mrs EyeCanSee: "What? Yogasizing? You're a dork"

So this morning I did something I hadn't done in years. Yoga. When I was in college you needed a bullshit phys ed credit to graduate, cause knowing how to play a sport makes me an all around better dental hygienist. Yeah....right. Anyways....anyone who knows anything about me knows how much I detest to play team sports. So that knocked off more than half my choices. My freshman year I had signed up to take Racketball with two of my guy friends. It was winter quarter. At 7.30 am. Umm, yeah I showed up like twice and dropped it. Who wants to play racketball at the butt crack of dawn in the dead of winter. Not me! So fast forward to my senior year, months from graduating, I have to find something bareable. I decided on yoga. It was not my favorite class. I didn't really enjoy all the chanting and stretching and crazy weird poses. But I went with my C, yes I got a C in yoga....and went on my merry way, diplomma in hand.
Now here I am 6 years later. Haven't down a downward dog or chanted one "OM" since. My sister in law is a huge, I mean HUGE yoga person. She does several classes a week and even taught for awhile. She decides today would be the perfect day to coerce me to give it another try. Sure why not. I have nothing better to do with my time....and for $15 I can go to as many classes as I want my first week. Whew. Am I outta shape!! I felt like a fish out of water next to all these human pretzels. I haven't done a head stand since preschool tumbling. And my body does not bend that way....ever. My muscles are defenitly feeling the burn this afternoon, but I actually enjoyed myself. Since I get to hit up more classes in the next week, I might even try another. We shall see!!
I did yoga for the first time yesterday and it was really nice. I think it will be better once I get used to it, but it was a great relaxing work out! :)
Haha! I've never done yoga, but I'm sure I'd be a fish out of water right along side you. It's amazing how some of those people can bend their bodies!
I've never done yoga. I took badminton for my pe class in college. I was not a big team sport person either...or an am class girl.
I love yoga! I always feel like my mind is in the right place when I am finished.
i am so not flexible, i have not ever done yoga and i don't think i ever will...
never know though ;)
hope you have a good weekend!!
I really like yoga...and $15 for as many classes sounds like a good deal for a week. That's where they get me, the price. If I had any motivation I'd do the yoga tape I paid $10 for. M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N!
I've never done yoga but I want to try! I did pilates and it was cool! I love how body can be fit and flexible afterwards...
bisous. deva.
Ya know.. I have never liked yoga.. I always like to feel like I sweated something out.. haha! But, I broke my back last year in a couple places and to get back in the gym, took up a little yoga...and I didn't LOVE doing it, but I loved the results... and that was enough to keep me going. I was stronger, had less back pain and was more flexible...Good for you!!! You make me wanna try it again!
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