I couldn't resist a little Digital Underground on this fine Tuesday afternoon!
But I digress.
I've noticed some new faces round these parts.
Hellloooo new friends!
Yep I see you hiding over there in the side bar.
Don't be shy. I don't bite.
Take some time, leave me a comment.
I like to know a little bit about the folks who welcome me into their Google Readers.
And since it's only fair, here's the basics on me. I was born in Omaha, Nebraska and lived there until I was 16. Then my family moved 3 hours down the road to Kansas City. I went to Ohio State where I became a Dental Hygienist. In 2007 I met my husband on Match.com. We got married New Years Eve 2008. Two years ago we picked up our lives and moved from Columbus, OH to Kansas City. The hubs works for the family wine business. Unlimited access to free wine definitely has it's perks! We have one child which is more than enough.....for now. His name is James aka Jamie and he just turned one! I'm a working mom which makes life pretty crazy! We cloth diaper and I'm obsessed with all things fluff! We have two dogs, Kasey the beagle and Moose the beagle/french bulldog mix. Last October my mom passed away very suddenly. She was my best friend and I miss her more than words could express. Being a mommy without a mommy is tough stuff sometimes. My dad lives on a lake not far from KC and we love to visit as often as we can. I love peanut butter and Dr. Pepper. Fall is my favorite season. I love college football. My hair is in a pony tail 90% of the time and I only wear makeup the other 10%. What can I say, I'm a minimalist.
So that's me in a nutshell, I hope you stay awhile.
Want to know more about me? Ask away. My life is pretty much an open book, I do write about it on the Interwebs after all. So if there's some question you've been dying to know about me....the hubs....our offspring...now's the time!

What are your true thoughts of Pryor going to Raiders? I am wondering about that one...that is all that I have to comment on, but we need to get together soon and thanks for the formula- Luke and Will had that gone in a matter of hours! :)
Love that song, M will dance no matter where we are if he hears it. I have a question, is Jamie going to get a bro or sis anytime soon??? ;)
Love this post. It is so nice to "meet" people. I am pretty sure that you and I would get a long great. Fall is also my favorite season and I am super excited about college football season starting this week. I also have my hair pulled up all the time. It's long and curly and usually by lunch time I am so tired of it hanging in my face. I visited Omaha this summer on my way from NC to California. My SC Gamecocks have won the past 2 college baseball world series there.
Love this...Columbus!?!??! We lived there for a few years! My hubbs did his MBA at OSU!! I can see why you love college football!!! haha!
What made you decide on OSU? I mean I know it's the greatest single university on the planet, but just curious if it was something else =)
When Jamie starts dating will you buy him condoms? Totally a random question, but I felt like asking something, and I already know so much about you. I don't even want to think about when Harper starts dating.
you're goooood. i always have the hardest time writing long blurbs about myself. like when people ask me a simple question like so how's life? what's new? i respond with a blank stare. lol.
LOVE the song reference. That made my day. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll have to keep up with you thru this Sept Challenge too!
I'm totally an ashamed blog lurker! I saw your blog linked from someone else's and now I can't remember whose! You have a great sense of humor and an adorable son:) Hope you don't mind me popping in every so often!
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