Fast forward to the morning after the wedding
As I awoke in my newlywed bliss I saw my bouquet in all it's glory sitting in a vase on the hotel room table, I couldn't bear to just let it die. I had forgotten just 12 hours earlier in my only bridezilla moment of the entire day, while tripping up the steps because I couldn't hold my gown AND bouquet I blurted out "Will someone take these f*cking flowers before I kill myself on these stairs!!" (My new MIL was thankfully the only one at the top of these said stairs to hear my tantrum)
When we got back home that morning I was on a mission. I frantically started searching through all my wedding stuff, trying to find that info I'd picked up at the bridal fair months ago. As my newlywed husband helps me look, assuring me it would be OK I'm pretty sure I yelled back, "OH MY GOD its New Year's Day. No one will be open. My flowers are going to die along with the rest of my wedding memories" (I tend to be a little dramatic and I think the emotions of the day being over had gone slightly to my head) Lucky for my husband, I found the info and left a frantic message on the woman's machine pleading it not be too late. I heard back from her and was assured she could indeed take my flowers the following day as we headed out of town for our "mini-moon." Crisis averted.
Fast forward 7 months, yes, 7 months
I finally get to see the finished product and it's gorgeous. I can't wait till we actually have a house to display it in. But for now, it's quite happy living perched atop the dresser in our bedroom. In 20 years will I be happy I did it? You betcha!

omg! Your flowers look amazing!!! I wish I would have done that to mine!
Oh my gosh, that is gorgeous. I think you will be every happy that you have that. I had never heard of anyone doing that, it's really beautiful!
By the way...where did you have that done?
So pretty! That is such a good idea!
Wow those are gorgeous!!!
It looks so good! I love it! I think I may have to do that to mine now... I didnt think it would look that good!
Beautiful!!! THey look amazing! Good choice!
that's so awesome! aw, i wish i would have done that! or, should i say.. known that could be done! haha
I love it! Such a good idea!
I love the idea! I think I'll end up preserving mine, also.
WOW!!! Gorgeous! I wish I would have done that with my bouquet.
Gorgeous!!! What a great idea!
It turned out wonderful and so beautiful! I considered doing this as well and ended up not doing it because of the price. I kind of regret it now because I get pretty sentimental too. I did dry my flowers out and have them saved, but it's not the same.
it turned out beautifully!
That is gorgeous! I wish I'd have known about that! Love your blog. Consider yourself "followed."
-Misses Wife
lol. i was there and remember your outburst going up the stairs. it was awesome and i know i laughed on the inside. :) wouldn't dare laugh on the outside b/c you would have KILLED ME at that particular moment. you little bridezilla. ;)
aren't you glad i've now figured out how to log in and comment as myself? go me! :)
wow. it looks great, best friend! can't wait to see it in person!!!!
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