"If you could sleep with one celebrity, who would it be?"
Now me, being someone who's not really into celebrity gossip or having celebrity crushes, didn't feel like playing along. Party pooper, I know. Well after much persistance, I finally gave in. So here, in no particiular order is the list I gave him.
Brad Pitt. Pre-Angelina.

Bradley Cooper

Gerard Butler

Taye Diggs

And the wild card....I'd totally go gay for Jennifer Aniston.

So who's on your laminated list?? (sorry, I couldn't resist a Friend's reference)

HAHA! I don't have a celebrity crush either, but I don't think I could pass up George Clooney...
I have a big crush on Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds right now.
I LOVE Taye Diggs! LOVE! But I also LOVE Keith Urban and Josh Hartnett. :)
Hank Baskett - rawr
I LOVE Bradley Cooper-he'd be at the top of my list along with Chris Cuomo...haha!
id so cheat on my hubby for matthew mcconuhay...ya i know i spelt it wrong :P
Ryan Reynolds 100%...hubs and I say we're going to break up Ryan and wife Scarlett Johansson and switch partners. We're both ok with that...haha!!
Totally Matthew Fox (from LOST), Matthew McConahay (sp?) and I'm not gonna lie I think Ryan Seacrest is super cute!! I have such weird taste!
Great list and my hubby and I have joked about this before as well. Bradley Cooper definitely makes my list and I would also have to add Alexander Skarsgard. I love me some Eric from True Blood!
john cusack!! hands down! haha :)
I'm mildly obsessed w/ Bradley Cooper.........good pick!
David Beckham fo-eva
Oh, and I would fo sho go gay for Britney Spears . . . I love her
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