***Warning the following message is going to be lengthy, I promise to keep it light and entertaining with my charm, witty humor and classic good looks***
Whew! What a whirlwind, emotion filled, crazy weekend!! First of all, HELLO to all my new followers! Who knew so many people would enjoy the crazy ramblings of my life! Welcome and thanks for stopping by...hope you enjoy the ride!
Second, catching up on almost a weeks worth of blogs is tough work! Good thing the Mr. isn't here, he already thinks I'm blog addicted. Which really isn't far from the truth....I probably should seek counseling. However I've fully admitted to the "problem", so I guess I only have 11 steps to go! Woo hoo look at me!
The weekend was great, except of course for the whole leaving my hubby and dogs behind...that part I could have done without. On Friday, I successfully trailered the jet ski with the moral support of my mother-in-law all the way to the Lake of the Ozarks. Almost 10 grueling hours....yuck. I had forgotten how loooong that drive is, I've had the Mr. to handle the driving the past few years so trips for me meant catching up on magazines and books. The weather was less than ideal, overcast and humid as hell....the fireworks Saturday night were halted by a surprise down pour. So much for the weather boy (seriously he looks 12) saying it would be all clear for "fire in the sky." Yes.. He really called it that. What we did see though was amazing, there were people setting them off all over, it was like fireworks in surround sound. All in all a successful 4th of July.
Sunday evening we left Moose with my parents and headed to Kansas City. Got the hubs and Kasey all settled in. That night we were laying in bed the Mr. put his head on my feet and said, "I'm going to miss laying on your feet when you leave." I looked at him slightly confused, but touched none the less and said, "Hun...in two years I think this is the first time you've ever laid your head on my feet." Boys are so silly, but I could tell he was really starting to be upset I was leaving which was cute.
Monday morning came and went, he left for work, we said our goodbyes. It was hard and full of tears, but I'm going back early Friday morning so that made it easier. I went to my interview that afternoon. We won't even go there. I've decided they forget to teach dentists how to run a business after all the drilling and filling because almost every interview I've ever gone on has been rather unorganized. The woman still couldn't even give an idea what my exact position would be. Ugh. How frustrating. At this point, if she ever gets her act together...I'm not even sure I'd want the job. She certainly didn't make a good impression. So we'll see what comes of that. After the interview my mother-in-law and I once again packed up the car and got on the road. We lost an hour in construction but my lead foot helped make up a little of the time and we rolled into Columbus shortly after 2am. I got a little teary eyed when I walked into my now somewhat empty home, but it was short lived when my head hit the pillow. I was out like a light! Back to life. Back to reality.
Last but certainly not least, in my absence I received my very first blog award. EEK! How exciting! Thanks to the always entertaining Ashley over at Pink-ture Perfect for the One Lovely Blog Award.

1.) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her link.
2.) Pass the award to 5 other bloggers that you have newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
So I'm passing this award along to:
Christina @ These are a few of Christina's Favorite Things
The Davidson's @ Keeping up with the Davidson's
D.A.R @ Just Another Day in Paradise
I love Brownies @ Brownies for my Breakfast
Arlynn @ Fleur De-licious
Well I finally made it to the end. Do I still even have anyone with me?? I don't blame you for jumping ship. Next week I will be introducing "Tasty Tuesdays." I have a slew of healthy recipes I've been wanting to try, but don't always want the poor hubs to be a constant guinea pig. So now that I'm back to cooking for one....I'm going to try some new things out. Be on the lookout for it!

Thank you sweet girl!!
Congratulations on the award! I am looking forward to tasty tuesdays!!
hello new friend! i can't wait to check out your blog- and, you have gained a follower as well. cheers!
A. You had me at hello...wait, wrong intro. I never jumped ship - and I got a bit emotional where you said he laid on your feet...but then I poured that second glass of chardonnay and pulled myself together. :-)
B. I AM THE HAPPIEST GIRL ON THE PLANET...I just got my first BLOG AWARD. And I have a speech prepared if anyone is interested. Thank you SO MUCH!!
Hey hun! I'm sorry about the interview-hopefully something better will work out asap!!!
And congrats on your award!!
I am so looking forward to Tasty Tuesday!! I could use some healthy recipes!
Congrats on the award :)
Congrats on the award and thank you for thinking of me! I'm so excited...my first blog award!
Congrats on the award, fun!
Thank you for the award!!!!
I love these award posts because it introduces me to such great new bloggers. You have EXCELLENT blog taste!
Congrats on the award! You really deserve it.
I look forward to your recipes. I am sure they will be great!
Sorry the interview was kind of a mess. I think that is horrible when people don't have their act together. They knew ahead of time that you were coming, so what the heck?
Hey there!! This may sound so strange but I live in KC and have my whole life. If you ever need advice or anything just email me. I would be happy to help. mascheman1@yahoo.com.
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