We met through Match.com, kinda cheesy I know. I didn't even want to join, become that pathetic girl who was resorting to the Internet to find the love of her life. My mother however, oh how sneaky moms can be, gave me a gift subscription for Valentine's Day. For free I figured I'd give it a chance.
I actually "found" the hubs first and let the record stand, I almost didn't contact him. He was very up front in his profile saying he'd just recently (like less than 2 months recently!) gotten out of a 6 year relationship, someone whom I later found out he was engaged to. Can you say red flags?! Yikes, my gut said not to touch this guy with a 10 foot pole, nobody wants to be the rebound girl; but something about him made me send that first message anyway. Guess I'm glad I took a chance!
We exchanged emails for a few days and talked back and forth on AIM before he officially asked me out on our first date. I wasn't working on Friday's at the time (oh how I miss those days) and he worked within walking distance of my house so we agreed on lunch. Figured that was safe, not a long time commitment and a very public place. Hey a girl has to cover all her bases, who knows if this guy was a freak! We did meet on the Internet after all! ;)
I remember walking the 10 minutes to the restaurant, those first date butterflies a churning. I got there first and waited outside. Little did I know his building was right across the street and he and all his coworkers were spying on me from the window. Haha. Cheaters. When he got there I was glad to see he hadn't posted any deceiving photos and was in fact not a dirty old man, something my friends had teased me could happen. We had a great lunch and talked for over an hour before he had to go back to work. As I walked away I remember wanting to turn around, all cliche like they do in the movies, but I resisted the urge. I immediately called my mom...to let her know I was still alive...I jest...and told her we had a great time. Was it love at first sight? No. I don't believe in that stuff. Did I know he was "the one?" No. But I definitely knew I wanted to see him again.
Well ask and you shall receive. That evening I decided to stay in with a bottle of wine and my four favorite ladies....Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha. Almost one bottle down I saw a message pop up on my computer. Mr. EyeCanSee was headed downtown to meet some friends and asked if I wanted to join. If it hadn't been for my liquid courage I may have said no, but I put on my coat and out the door I went. We stayed out until the wee hours of the morning talking. It felt so comfortable, like we had been friends forever. No awkward first date lulls....though I'm chatty by nature and did down a bottle of wine first, so that probably helped! He was a perfect gentleman the whole time and even offered to drive me home those whole 2 blocks. There was no first kiss that night, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was the perfect last first date and a wonderful beginning to the adventure of us.
This is so cute! Love it! :)
what a cute story!!!!!!!!!
I met Kristian on match.com too! Though I had been doing it on and off for a few years and been on like 100 dates already. I was only the third girl he had met from the site. I'm just glad that all the money and time I spent on that site finally paid off!
Oh and I almost didn't respond to his first email b/c he was "geographically undesirable" funny b/c I now live with him in that geographically undesirable place!
What a cute story! Hy husband and I had that connection of talking like "old friends" when we meet for the first time too!
Such a sweet story!
great story!!
Cute! I met my husband on Match.com too. I was also totally embarrassed about it for a long time, but got over it. I am finding that more and more people are finding their spouses that way! :)
whoa...an internet love story that didn't freak me out. It actually made my heart smile (that's a first).
Happy three years and to new (baby) adventures together!
Happy 3 Year Dating Anniversary!
What a sweet story!! Our mothers are just alike because my mom did the same for me on Match. It's so nice to know other people who have met their spouse online. It's also so weird that you guys have been together 3 years, because it will be 3 years for us in September! We're just a few months behind on dating a wedding!
That's so sweet :)
Awwwe You could be on one of those commercials they run!
What a sweet story! I have a lot of friends who have met their spouses online - it's not corny at all!
Aw, that's such a cute story! Congrats on 3 years!
that is too cute!!
What a cute story!
What a cute story!
I met my hubs on match too. It was my best friend that I was living with at the time that set up my profile forcing me to stop dating the guys I had been. I winked and him and the rest was history. I did feel like a major nerd telling people at first I have to pay money to a cheesy dating site, but screw it, it worked and we are happily married now!
I had no idea that you guys met online! That is how Geof and I met too. I felt silly at first when I signed up, but was really happy in the end (obviously). I did the same sort of thing for our first date and we met at a local bar/restaurant where I knew if would be safe.
I loved reading this story of your last first date…so cute!
Aw, how cute! You know, this made me realize... I've only really ever had one "real" first date! And it wasn't even with my current boyfriend, whom I will probably marry. So weird.
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