So it's St. Patty's Day. Kind of the anti-pregnant holiday really. No green beer for me this year! Instead I'm getting my eyebrows waxed and my toes done. At this point that sounds better than standing in line at an overcrowded pub paying way to much for a pint anyways. Wow. I'm lame. At least I remembered to wear my green today. Same shirt I've worn for 3 years...yeah not fitting so well today. Oh well, that's what lab coats are for, right?!
Yeah still haven't told my work about the whole baby thing. Think that means I owe you all 10 bucks. I really have no reason to believe they will be mad...or fire me (that's kind of illegal after all). I just feel kind of guilty that I accepted this job 2 days before finding out I was pregnant. So I think the combination of being the new girl and not really knowing how they're going to take it has me freaked out. I suppose that's the one good thing about not showing yet....at some point though, like when there's a baby coming out, I probably should mention it.
I think I had my first official pregnancy craving. Not just something that sounded good, but that OMG I have to have it right now or I might just die kind of craving. Here's the weird part. It's for Chicken and Dumplings. I've never once eaten it before. Ever. In my whole life. But all of a sudden yesterday, sitting at my desk it sounded good. So I went online, found a highly rated recipe and it's cooking in my crock pot as we speak. Hopefully I'm still craving it by the time I get home.
I'm almost 5 months pregnant. Woah. In less than a week we find out if this little baby is a boy or a girl. Woah. Where did time go?! I'm actually getting pretty excited to find out...I knew I wouldn't last 40 weeks with a giant surprise growing in there.
I've been living the single girl life this week with the hubs still down at the lake motel sitting. I was actually looking forward to busting out all my old single gal behaviors...till I realized I don't have any. It's pretty much an open door policy around our house. There isn't much I won't do in front of him. Kind of took the fun out of my "free" week. Instead I've been freaked out at night sleeping with all the doors locked and shades drawn. We live in a secured condo building with a bunch of rich old bitties for heaven's sake. Doubt they're going to break in and attack me. Apparently I've become a wuss.
Happy St Patty's Day!!
Happy St. Patty's Day!
I can't wait to hear what you are having! Good luck with telling your work---I bet that is a tough one.
Girl I can't wait to hear what you're having either!!! I think when you find out we need to immediately schedule a lunch date. :) XOXO
So excited for you about finding out the sex!! :) And yes I too would be nervous about telling work, whether I was brand new or an old hand there. And finally, glad to hear another couple who has an open door policy around the house - my hubs and I are the same way so when he's OOT the only thing that changes is sleeping with a baseball bat and gun on the bedside table with the tv on and still barely sleeping!
Haha! Love how you list the downsides to drinking holidays like today but you forget, we're all drunk and forget about all that!
Your day still sounds fun. Enjoy getting pampered!
happy st patty's day!!
enjoy getting pampered today. i love getting my toes done!
I'm celebrating St Patty's this year with a frozen pizza and cleaning the bathroom. So, even though neither of us are drinking, your day is loads better by comparison.
(I, too, am 20 weeks preg) (and dying for some booze) so hi!
I wouldn't feel bad about getting pregnant and the job situation. In all fairness you didn't know you were pregnant when you accepted the job.
I can't wait to hear what you're having!
Hey, it's not like you JUST got hired and were being deceitful about your situation. Tell them!! Hurry, before they start asking questions. Better to appear honest and upfront than look like you are trying to hide it.
Go tell them and then buy yourself some ice cream as a reward :)
One week???? I can't wait to find out! I can't believe you're almost at five months!
One week???? I can't wait to find out! I can't believe you're almost at five months!
You're not alone: I get paranoid when my boyfriend is gone overnight too. Kinda irrationally. Your chicken and dumplings craving sounds like the craving I had my sophomore year of college for an omelet! I had never had an omelet. I ate eggs as a kid, but by college, I wasn't such a fan. Yup, that was the start of my egg addiction. I couldn't live without them now!
Hilarious that you havent told your work yet, girlie! I totally thought of Knocked Up with all that stuff..how she tried to hide it with jackets, etc.. But I totally see where you're coming from. I hope they surprise you with exuberance for you when you tell em! :)
The whole single behavior thing reminded me of Sex and the City (apparently I relate everything in my life to television or movies. Wow.). Anyway, Carrie called it her "SSB" or something! Awesome!
Yay! I hope it's a girl
Okay, I know this sounds crazy but TRUST ME on this. If you are craving chicken and dumplings you MUST get your pregnant butt to Bob Evans. I know, I know, isn't that for retired people and grandparents only? Well, I go very often with my parents (yes, they're both retired) and the chicken and dumplings are TO DIE FOR! Go tonight and thank me tomorrow :)
P.S. I cursed the fact that the KCPD had Broadway closed off to through traffic yesterday. I think I said something like "I can't believe they're diverting traffic to protect the drunkards walking in the streets!" That's when I realized that I'm getting old and am not that much fun anymore. Next year, I WILL go out and have a green beer.
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