This weeks Wishful Wednesday spoke to me like no others! I may or may not have actually squealed at work yesterday when it was announced. As you know...I am a self proclaimed purse-a-holic. I have big feet and I'm tall so shoes are hard to find....purses however are the perfect one size fits all accessory. I literally have to speed walk past the Coach store so I don't even peek inside. It's a problem really. I think I should be going to meetings. Anyways, that being said I couldn't possible have picked just ONE bag, oh no. So here it is, my
'I wish' .... I could afford these ______ handbags without putting a dent in my pocketbook!
No wish list would be complete without a Louis Vuitton. I introduce to you the Tivoli GM...isn't she gorgeous. Pardon me while I drool....

Hello Burberry Hobo bag with the amazing white trim. Wouldn't you look nice on my arm all summer? I think so too! It may even warrant a trip to the Hampton's.
My mother always told me every woman needs a classic Chanel Clutch. Who's to argue with that? Not me. I've see my mother angry and it's not pretty.
And of course I couldn't leave out my beloved Coach. The only designer bags I can actually afford...when they're on the outlet....and I have an extra 20% coupon. I've always wanted one of their luggage pieces and when I saw the pink trim I almost died. Le sigh.

Oooo...i love that burberry bag!!
LOVE Burberry!! Cute :)
All very cute for you :)
Love them all!
I picked the same Louie! We have good taste! I love Coach too! I just did a shopping spree at the outlet this past weekend!
I love that Chanel clutch!!!
Hellloooo.... Louis Vuitton! Oh how I love thee!! I cant stop staring at that Coach luggage! Precious! Good Picks!
That luggage is darling! I need that luggage and a vacation so I can use it!
Love me some Louis! Their store in Paris was amazing, I had to be pulled out during our honeymoon. I couldn't convince the hubs that would be a great keepsake and reminder of our honeymoon. I told him we'd go back and it would be a great keepsake of our 5 year anniversary ;)
PS: just saw you posted the baby's name. Had I missed it before?! LOVE the name James, its my brothers! And love Jamie for short!!
::drools over the Burberry::
I think it's pretty neat we are both going to be mama's of little boys named James :) James Harrison was thisclose to being James David. David is my hubs name.
Love that last bag!!
Great choices. I am such a sucker for handbags!!
1. LOVE the bags
2. I just noticed you graduated from Ohio State - me too!
Ohmygosh..I didn't know Coach made luggage! {Actually, I never really thought about it before}. I think I may have a new obsession!!
I will take one of EACH please~!
I don't think I've ever seen the luggage, too cute!!!
Oh that coach bag is adorable!
Hi! I am a fellow Baby Cove blogger too! Thought I would stop by. You have such a cute blog! When do you find out what you are having?
I just scrolled down a little more and saw that you are having a boy! Congrats! I am having a boy too! I think little boys are so much fun!
That LV is gorgeous and I also really love the Coach luggage that you posted. If money only grew on trees…
I do have 2 LV’s that Geof surprised me with (on different holiday’s) and will cherish them forever. I hardly use the one because I love it so much and still haven’t even taken the other one out of the box (I know it's ridiculous and my friend’s make fun of me all the time).
I just LOVE your picks--I would have picked the exact same ones. I hope you that have a nice weekend!
I'll take one of each please =)
Super cute blog!
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