Hard to believe yesterday was two weeks already!
We're slowly settling into a routine. As much routine as you can have with a newborn. His days and nights are slowly adjusting which makes for one happy mama. Usually takes his last bottle around 11, asleep by 12. Up at 3ish to eat and again around 5 or 6....then we sleep till after 9, it's glorious. We're up just in time to catch the last part of Regis and Kelly and the Price is Right. (I miss you Bob Barker! Drew Carey is kind of a tool) He's a bit more alert during the day now, but there really isn't much to entertain him at this point. Whoever put the 0-3 month age range on all those Baby Einstein toys must be on crack. Either that or they've never been around a newborn. Hopefully he gets more into them soon cause mama's singing isn't very good, I only remember like 4 songs from childhood and I think he pretends to sleep so I will stop. Hey.... I never claimed to be the next American Idol. He likes his bouncy seat and swing and much to my dismay seems to enjoy the weird nature music they play. Makes me feel like I'm in one of those hippie wholistic salons or a yoga studio....but if he likes it, I'll learn to deal. I also recently discovered he LOVES the moby wrap. Now I'm not gonna lie, when I have the wrap on it looks crazy ridiculous, but if it stops the blood curdling screams I'm not too concerned about making a fashion statement. Most of my clothes are covered in spit up and drool anyways, so the moby is probably an improvement!
He surpassed his birth weight last Friday weighing in at a whopping 7 pounds 12 ounces. He had dropped all the way down to 7.3 when we left the hospital so it's nice to see he's packing the pounds back on. His face has filled out quite a bit and he's already rocking the double chin. Still barely fills out his 0-3 mos clothes...again with the crazy people who come up with these age ranges! I put a pair of shorts on him, they looked like pants and were busting some serious sag. Not cool. We hit up the mall this weekend and scored some sweet deals on all the summer clearance racks. To all the moms out there I have two words for you...Crazy 8. Best kids store ever. Plus it's nice to have some things that actually fit, even if it's only for a few weeks. Still fitting into newborn disposable diapers with room to grow, but now that his umbilical stump is finally gone (it hung on by a thread for days, totally grossing out my husband) we are going full time with cloth and loving it. No more leaks, yay! Breastfeeding is no more, but I am still pumping so he gets some with almost every bottle. After working with 2 different lactation consultants they're baffled at why my supply is so low. Apparently size really doesn't matter and my girls are purely for looks. I've tried it all, oatmeal, fenugreek, beer, mother's tea....still nothing. I figure as long as he's happy and fed....then I'm happy too. No need to be upset over something out of my control.
I know. I know. All this baby talk is probably boring you all. I'm trying my best not to turn into a mommy blog, but these days, a trip to the mail box is about as exciting as my life gets! At least I can bribe you to read all the way through with pictures! :) I promise I have a few non-Jamie post in the works! Happy Tuesday!
On one hand it's flown by....on the other it seems like he's been here forever!
Yesterday was our first whole day together...just me and Jamie.
With the hubs back at work and my mom back at home it was just the two of us.
Honestly I didn't even realize this until late last night, so it must not have stressed me out too much!
What?! I for one am loving all the Jamie posting :) He is such a cutie! I think it is great you went with the cloth diapers and they are just so stinking cute!
I like the Jamie posts too! For those of us who have not had babies yet, but definitely have it on our list of things to do, it's nice to hear what it's like! Thank you for sharing!!
Um..he is so freaking adorable. My sister swears by those Baby Einstein videos.
people eat up baby posts...so dont feel bad ;)
He is super sweet!
and at 3.5 months old we are STILL sometimes only getting out to the mailbox..no joke. But its great :)
how can you not talk about him? he's so friggen cute! but i agree, 0-3 months...not a lot going on aside from sleeping, crying, pooping and peeing. oh and booby sucking if that's your thang. haha.
I love the Jamie posts, keep them coming! :)
He's so precious, love those pictures! And love the blocks you're using in the weekly photos!
Congrats!! he is so adorable, i bet it feels good to start getting your own routine down. i hear thats the key.
Um, I'm all about the Jamie posts. Yes please :) He's so so cute!! I'm glad yall are getting a routine down and it was easy for yall!!
I love the yawning picture...it totally captures what the newborn phase is like.
obviously i have been WAAAAY out of the blogging loop...
your little man is beyond ADORABLE!!! super cute pictures! congrats momma!! :)
He is so cute--I can't wait to meet him at book club :)
Oh he really is sleeping so well! Love the pics with the blocks in the background too. Glad you are doing well:)
He's so adorable! And I completely agree about Drew Carey!
What a cutie pie! I love hearing about Jamie and all of the ups and downs. It will help me prepare for the future!!
He's so adorable! I love those blocks that show his age, they are so cute, I've never seen anything like those. I love the store Crazy 8, we just got one here a few months ago and I really love all their boy stuff. His little cloth diaper is so cute and tiny! :) So sorry about the breastfeeding thing, I actually just found out that i've not been producing enough milk, and it's not easy to accept!
He is absolutely adorable!!! I can't believe how much he has changed in a week!!! Can't wait to see you both!! XOXO
Where did you get the blocks in your picture? My sister has been looking for some, and we can't find them anywhere. Thanks!
Ohh, how are the reusable diapers going for you? I would totally use them if I was a stay at home mom, but I'm not - so I won't. HA! One of the moms in my mommy group uses them & she likes them a lot.
Don't stop the baby posts! I like them! :)
I love your baby posts and it is so great to read updates! I’m glad he is getting on some sort of schedule and that you’re adjusting to life with a newborn. It sounds like you’re doing a great job and that is awesome that the cloth diapers are working out for you. He is such a cute little peanut!
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