So once a year the hippie population of Columbus takes over Goodale Park, aka my backyard, for ComFest. It's typically a people watching extravaganza filled with tye-dye and topless woman. Yes you read that correctly topless woman. I will most definitely not be one of them....I leave my girls indoors for only my hubby to see.
Except maybe for that one crazy mardi gras party, but I was in college so I like to think it didn't count. Don't disillusion me.
Anyways, along with the smell of incense, patchouli and pot.....
Yes mother, I know what pot smells like...anyone who's ever been to a concert knows what pot smells like.
....come some great bands, local artists and cute boutiques. Every year for the past 4 years the same lady sets up her tent within plain sight of my living room window. All weekend long I admire her gorgeous stained glass lanterns and dream of the day I will have a porch to hang one on. I always "pick" out my favorite one and make a deal with myself that if it's still there on Sunday I will buy it. Well the Mr. called my bluff knowing I have a huge case of buyers remorse. The first summer we were together he watched ComFest come and go, heard me swoon over and gush over my chosen lantern and then never buy it. So last summer he practically forced me to buy one and on an impulse I got one for my parents as a Christmas gift. They loved it! And my mom has requested another one, which means I might just have to pick one up for me too. Won't my phantom porch look fantastic! So as all the tents go up, I'm keeping my eye for the lantern lady.
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

"along with the smell of incense, patchouli and pot....."
I just burst out laughing. So glad you found my blog!!
Have a great weekend doll!
Ooh, that sounds awesome! Hope you take some pics for us :)
The festival sounds interesting to say the least. Good luck finding a pretty lantern! That is one definite plus of the whole thing ;)
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